Unity not of this world but unity in Christ Jesus is a necessity in our Christian lives.
Learn about the perfect unity that comes from above through select Bible verses below.
Growing up, we were told that no man is an island.
To survive, we will need other people because that’s just what life is.
However, in this world, we are prone to unite for all the wrong reasons and intentions.
This is not the kind of unity that comes from Jesus Christ.
These are the kinds of unity driven by greed, desire for earthly riches, and thirst for power.
The unity we Christians should have should be driven by the same love Christ has for us that never looks at our differences.
It was the best example of unity in diversity since, though we may come from different backgrounds, stories of faith, and other individual differences, we are all united in perfect unity in the Lord Jesus Christ when He died on the cross.
The cross symbolizes unity for believers sharing one faith, one hope, and being one in Christ Jesus.
What are Bible Verses about Unity?
Bible verses about unity speak of the need for unity for believers of Christ.
Being born of the same Spirit, we become brothers and sisters in Christ.
Not only that, but we also take on the same responsibility to Christ.
Bible verses about unity speak of both reality and need.
A reality that though each one of us is blessed differently, there is a need to bring whatever we have and faithfully administer it not only to God but to others as well.
This is best seen in 1 Peter 4:10.
As Christians, our task in this world is to make others aware of God’s great glory and that He alone can save us.
It is impossible to fulfill this great task on our own; we need our fellow believers.
We don’t simply need them; we need to unite with them.
As they say, there is strength in numbers but much strength in being united under the same God.
What Does the Bible Say About Unity?
The Bible speaks of unity as a necessity in our Christian life.
It is impossible to have Christ in our lives but not be united with other believers who are one with us under the name of our Lord.
The Gospel also speaks of divine and perfect unity in Ephesians 4:13, a unity of faith with our Father, our Savior, and our fellow believers as a key to fully experiencing the goodness and power of Christ.
Though we are individually different, through one baptism in Christ Jesus, we become a recipient of the unity of the Spirit in the bond we have in Christ.
Further, unity is a product of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
If we don’t display unity with our fellow believers, we must reassess our spiritual growth and ask God to help us lead a life based on His teachings.
Best Bible Verses About Unity
The Holy Bible contains several verses about unity.
The teachings of the Lord Jesus do not speak of us being guided by our interests but united under the interests of God.
Remember that, unlike humans, God’s interests are always pure and guided by all the right intentions.
Unity can be displayed in different scenarios: in the church, in our families, in how we work together, and even in the world as a whole.
Bible Verses About Unity in the Church
1 Corinthians 1:10
“I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”
This Bible verse calls for unity among believers and the church.
It would be impossible and futile if the many members of the church who claim to be of one faith did not live in a manner worthy of being called Christians.
A divided church could never glorify God and effectively preach the word of God.
Isn’t our faith defined by our lives?
As members of the church, we should be a must to portray an example to unbelievers.
We wouldn’t want to give them the wrong impression of who Christians are, right?
Romans 15:6
“So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Once the members of the church are bonded together in the same mind and voice for the Lord Jesus Christ, the church echoes a louder chorus of praises to God the Father.
Together and in unity, the church is stronger.
With this strength, the church can expand its ministry, reach more souls, and transform more lives.
Very little work is done if God’s flock is scattered and not on the same page.
Not only that, it is impossible to please and glorify God with this kind of attitude.
It would be a shame for Christians to proclaim with their tongues that they are the children of the Lord but don’t live like one.
God’s people live in harmony, sowing peace and unity, never division among others.
Philippians 2:2
“Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”
Once the Church is unified by its love for God and the power of the Holy Spirit, it can withstand the storms of life that come its way through the powerful bond it shares with the Holy Father.
Once the many members of the church have the same mind, they will be able to do more by functioning as one body and not as divided parts.
Romans 12:4-5 speaks,
“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”
Bible Verses About Unity in the Family
Colossians 3:14
“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”
A Christian family is characterized by love, which is a necessary ingredient to attaining perfect unity.
All the members of the family should be united by love—the love they have for one another and the love they have for Jesus Christ.
This is one of the best inheritances a family can pass on to the next generation.
Being born of one Spirit, however, our family should not be limited only within our roof but to everyone who shares one faith and one hope in Christ with us.
Thus, we should not only sow unity within our group of people but extend it to others as well.
A united family can face the challenges of life as they put on love and work hand in hand, inspired by the love our Holy Father has for us.
Ecclesiastes 4:12
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
God created the world not without obstacles.
The same can be said for families, as they are not spared from problems.
These problems come on many fronts, but a united family bonded by the Lord Jesus cannot be easily shaken.
Not only because there is strength in numbers but also because they draw strength from God.
United believers are much more powerful than united great nations.
People can be united for their selfish ambition and provide a bigger defense against a common enemy, but the fruit of this unity is in vain.
A family together is stronger, but this strength is greatly multiplied in the name of our Lord.
1 Corinthians 12:26
“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”
Indeed, an honor for a member is an honor for the whole body.
In many societies, how an individual lives is attributed to the family that raised him/her.
What does this say?
This shows that families should not function as separate parts but unite as one.
This being said, family members must unite to face the trials of life.
A family united under one Lord, Christ Jesus, is a family that lives according to His teachings.
God never taught His people to have a house divided by the works of the devil or build walls among themselves but to break those walls and build bridges so others can experience the love of the Lord Jesus Christ through us.
Bible Verses About Unity and Working Together
Ephesians 5:11
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”
We can display unity in the many facets of life.
However, one of the Bible verses about unity reminds us to be cautious of those we unite with.
The devil works among us and uses several disguises.
As Christians, we must be very careful not to take part in, tolerate, or enable the devil’s works to flourish.
Yes, display unity and work together to glorify God, but never for the schemes of the devil.
Rather, as believers of the same god, we must have perfect unity and preach the word of God.
In doing so, we can never know the lives we have changed and the souls we have saved.
It is useless to work and earn in this world but lose our eternal inheritance from the righteous Father above.
1 Corinthians 12:25
“So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.”
Working together can be driven by several intentions, one being the pursuit of our selfish ambition.
If we work together based on our agenda and not with the same mind and faith in our Lord, we can accomplish little to nothing and produce bad outcomes.
We will never function as one and disregard one another’s concerns, eventually affecting how we achieve our goals.
Colossians 3:23 reminds us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
This is a reminder that we must handle every work we do with a Christian perspective and value.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-11
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?”
None of us is intended to go through life by ourselves.
God has put people, fellow believers, in our lives to help us better understand His goodness and love.
These people can be among our friends, family, church members, and even a stranger.
Life becomes more difficult when we reject the assistance of others and the help God offers us through them.
To work together, we must first unite.
We can never know if God answers our prayers through the people we work with.
With the unity of the Spirit and under one God, no work will ever be too hard, and most importantly, help will always be available.
Bible Verses About Unity in the World
Psalm 133:1
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
Divided, we all fall short of God’s glory and are prone to wander, commit sin, and sow all sorts of chaos.
However, united under one God, the only true God, we become vessels of peace, order, and harmony in the world.
As God’s stewards, sowing unity and breaking the dividing wall among people is one of our many tasks.
God’s people live harmoniously, bearing one another and never sowing disorder.
When we live according to the gospel and serve others, we become united with our brothers and sisters and more in touch with our Lord God.
The world will give us many reasons not to unite with others, but the Lord God offers us tenfold more reasons why we should.
If only all of us learned to unite rather than divide, how good and pleasing the world would be!
Romans 12:16
“Live in harmony with one another.
Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people in a low position.
Do not be conceited.”
Unity comes with camaraderie, service, and understanding.
It is impossible if one only focuses on himself.
Unity is both serving and being served.
It is not isolating but associating.
It is not serving conditionally but unconditionally.
As children of God, we must live a life worthy of being called His children.
We cannot promote unity while seeing ourselves as above others.
Galatians 3:28
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
In the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no discrimination but perfect unity as we altogether share one spirit, one hope, the same mind, and love under His most gracious name.
As we share one body with Christ Jesus, one’s weakness finds strength in the many members of the body of Christ.
Likewise, one’s strength is multiplied.
Under the same Lord, there is neither slave nor master, for God sees and loves us equally.
Why is Unity Important?
Sowing unity is a trademark of a member of the body of Christ.
Without unity, no work can be done.
Because of the Holy Spirit, everyone plays a crucial role in Christ’s body.
Due to this, everyone is connected to every other Christian in the same way that we are connected to Christ Jesus and in one spirit with Him.
Now, why is unity important to Christians?
The answer is simple.
When the body of Christ is divided, it presents the world with a false image of God.
Because God compels us to sow and promote the unity of the spirit with our fellow believers.
When the body of Christ is divided, it sends a message to the world that the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is subject to discontinuity or change.
As exemplars of the unity of the spirit, we must display unity and not division to serve as a model for the harmony, peace, and unity that the gospel preaches.
How to Achieve Unity?
To achieve unity, we must invite the same spirit that guided us through the pathways of life—God’s Holy Spirit.
If we portray the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives, one of the many products we will reap is unity.
The God we serve is not known for sowing division among His people;
He promotes eternal life through His teachings.
When life tests us and tempts us to create factions among fellow believers, pray, read the Bible, and remember that the moment we become one body with Christ, we are no longer people for ourselves alone but for others, especially God.
In Summary
The same love God gave you is the same kind of love He gave to the people around you.
In short, as members of the body of Christ, we are innately united under one truth.
There is no other God aside from the One whom we serve and whose love for us is so great that even though we are sinners, He died for us to offer us salvation.
This is the unifying truth we share in one faith.
The Lord Jesus Christ calls us to advocate unity and not let our selfish interests direct our paths.
Rather, as we carry the name of the Lord, we should live a life worthy of being granted the honor of being His children.
One way is to become a living example of Christian unity.