God Is In Control: Powerful Bible Verses

Are Bible verses about ‘God is in control’ still true in spite of our current troubling times?

Worry, fear, and anxiety can make us feel helpless and alone.

It can get the best of us when things seem to slip out of our grasp.

We may find a “God is in control” verse to be helpful during these times.

Let’s find out this verse’s meaning, its significance, and what the Bible says about it.

Let us find out how we can apply this to our lives during rough situations.

What Does the “God is in Control” Verse Mean?

What does the “God is in Control” verse symbolize?

Does it mean that God is in absolute authority?

Or does it mean He wants to control us?

If God has the authority and power, why are there still so many injustices around us?

Why won’t He make the sicknesses and infirmities disappear and put an immediate end to the pandemic?

Why won’t God prevent catastrophes from occurring?

There are too many injustices and misfortunes happening around us.

It is why we sometimes find it hard to believe that a good and powerful God is still in control.

But if we know God and His character, we would know this is not true.

For us to know Him, we need to immerse ourselves in His Word and pray.

In Isaiah 14:24, the Lord declares that whatever He has planned will come to pass.

He also says whatever He has willed will happen. 

The “God is in control” verse in the Bible means God is above everything and everyone.

He is on top of things.

The Lord will accomplish His plans, whether we believe them to be true.

How Consequential is the “God is in Control” Verse in the Bible? 

The scriptures don’t present an exact “God is in control” verse.

However, various instances and events depict the authority and control of the Lord.

It holds much weight because the Bible is the Word of God.

2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that God has breathed everything in the scripture.

We can trust what the scriptures say because they are from God.

Isaiah 40:8 tells us that flowers will fall and the grass will wither, but God’s Word will remain forever. 

Where Can You Find the God is in Control Verse in the Bible

Although there is no exact passage or verbatim of the “God is in control” verse in the scriptures, we can review the events showing God’s authority, might, and power. 

Old Testament 

In the Old Testament, God often showed His power and authority by delivering His people from their enemies.

He did this even if they, the Israelites, were disobeying them.

The best example of this would be the story of their freedom from being Egyptian captives. 

In Exodus, Chapters 1 to 14 narrate how God fulfilled His promise of freeing His people from slavery.

He made the impossible happen when He parted the Red Sea so they could cross and then brought it down to drown their Egyptian enemies. 

Another great example was when God made David the king of Israel.

We can find most of his story in the books 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel.

King David’s journey was anything but easy.

There were countless times when he had to fight for his life.

But despite everything he had to endure, he remained hopeful that God would fulfill His promise of making him king. 

His situation did not dictate his faith, but David focused on knowing that he was serving a powerful and sovereign God.

He even wrote in Psalm 20:7 that while others trust in chariots and horses, he depends on God’s name.

Simply put, King David didn’t care if his enemies had powerful machinery.

He was utterly confident that God was more powerful than they could ever be.

These two stories are just among the many others that depict the sovereignty of God in the Old Testament.

Even in hopeless and vexing situations, God came through for His people and did not abandon His promises. 

New Testament 

Just like the books in the Old Testament, the New Testament also holds various events where God displayed His authority and power.

There is no better example than that of the story of Jesus Christ.

The four canonical gospels tell His story from different perspectives.

But they all bear the same theme: Jesus fulfilled God’s promise of our deliverance from sin and death

How was “God is in control” portrayed in the story of Jesus Christ?

When Jesus came, the Jews were expecting the Messiah to be an extravagant one.

Someone who looks rich, mighty, and powerful in their eyes.

The religious authorities refused to believe that He was just a humble carpenter from a small town.

Their hostility against Him peaked when He kept contradicting their interpretation of God’s law. 

Jesus did not lead a quiet life, but then again, He was not after comfort.

He came down from heaven to fulfill the law and teach His disciples its true meaning.

God still fulfilled His plan despite all the opposition, mockery, and insults.

Jesus suffered, died, and rose again on the third day to bring hope to humanity. 

God does not operate based on our emotions or what we think of Him and His plans.

He does what He thinks and knows is best for us.

As it says in Isaiah 55:9, God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

He follows it up on Isaiah 55:11 that no word from His mouth will return to Him empty.

He will fulfill whatever He has planned and promised. 

Bible Verses to Remember that God is in Control

Here are some powerful verses from the scripture to remind us that God is in control:

Proverbs 19:21 – We may plan all we want, but the Lord’s plan will still reign. 

Romans 8:28 – God works out everything for the welfare of those who love Him and whom He has called to carry out His purposes. 

Colossians 1:17—Jesus was present before God created everything, and He is the one who holds everything together. 

Psalm 22:28 – God is the one who sits on the throne, and He is the ruler of all nations. 

Exodus 33:14 – God promises us His rest and that His presence will go with us. 

Isaiah 46:10 – God knows the things that are about to happen.

He will accomplish what He plans to do. 

Psalm 46:10 – God commands us to be still and know that He is the Lord.

All nations will exalt and praise Him. 

Exodus 14:14 – God will fight for you in all your battles.

You only have to trust Him by being quiet and still. 

Psalm 121:1-3 – You can find help in the Lord.

He will not let your foot slip, and He never sleeps as He watches over you. 

Deuteronomy 31:8 – God Himself will go before you and will never leave nor forsake you. 

Why is it Important to Know That God is in Control?

Let us admit that as much as we want to control everything, we can’t.

It is just not possible because we all have our limitations.

Now, what happens when things in our life spiral out of control?

Do we just shut down and close ourselves to the world?

We can do that; however, it will not change our situation.

It is why it is essential to know and believe that God is in control. 

Knowing and believing that God is in control removes the stress brought by anxiety and overthinking.

Yes, this is easier said than done.

It is why we need to spend a lot of time reading the Bible and praying.

We can only trust Him if we spend more time communicating with and knowing Him through His Word. 

Knowing God’s unchanging character

As humans, it is in our nature to be wary of trusting others because many of us have experienced being lied to by other people.

A lot of us know how broken promises can be devastating.

But Numbers 23:19 tells us that God is not like us who lie.

Hebrews 6:18 also affirms that God can’t lie. 

Numbers 23:19 also tells us that God is not like us, who are fickle-minded.

He does not change His mind.

What He had planned and set to do, He will push through with it. 

Our knowledge and belief in God’s unchanging character will propel us to trust in Him because we know that He will remain mighty and sovereign no matter what happens.

No matter how hopeless our situation may seem, He can and will see us through it when we put our faith in Him.

Understanding God’s love

Malachi 3:6 tells us that God does not change, which is why He still has not destroyed us.

God is a perfect God and detests sin.

But because He loves us so much, He did not destroy us. He even made a way to save us by sending His son, Jesus Christ, to be sacrificed in our place.

That’s how great and how deep Christ’s love is for us. 

Romans 5:8 tells us that while we were still living in deep sin, Christ died for us.

Understanding how much God loves us will help us believe God can overcome anything for us.

If Jesus had already died for us, even when we still didn’t know and believe in Him, we could trust that He would not turn us away when we sought Him.

Because Jesus has overcome the world, we can trust that He can overcome any trial we face.

For He had said in His Word in John 16:33 that we may have troubles here on earth, but we are to take heart.

Christ has overcome the world. 

When Can We Apply a “God is in Control” Verse in Our Life?

There are certain moments in our lives when the “God is in control” verse sounds more powerful than ever. 

Finding Hope in Times of Crisis

Sometimes, we feel like the world is caving in on us, and we’ve lost all hope.

Here is when we must remind ourselves that God is in control.

Proverbs 3:5- 6 tells us to trust in God and not to rely on our wisdom.

We can’t control it and don’t have the answer to everything.

But God is all-knowing and all-powerful, which is why we can come to Him for help.

He has promised in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never forsake nor leave us.

Encouraging a friend in despair 

Have you ever had a friend who asked for help in a situation you’ve already been through before?

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 tells us how God comforts us during our times of trouble so that we can bring the same comfort to others.

The hopeless situations that God pulled us through are our testimonies that we can share with our friends who are going through difficult times

Having faith amidst uncontrollable situations

According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is being confident in the things we hope for and assuring us of the things we have yet to see.

The whole chapter then tells the stories of the great men and women of God who exemplified faith.

It is a powerful reminder that God remains in control of the situation no matter who you are or what season or time you’re in.

God is unchanging. 

Worry and Anxiety

When we are facing an uncontrollable situation, worry and fear come in.

We become anxious because we do not know what is going to happen.

We already see the possible worst-case scenarios in our heads.

The only way to counteract this response to the situation is by remembering that God is in control.

1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast our cares to the Lord because He cares for us.

He loves us, and He will control the situation for us.

The only thing we need to do on our part is to trust in Him. 

How Does a “God is in Control” Verse Comfort and Assure Us?

Can a “God is in control” verse assure and comfort us?

In what ways?

It reminds us of God’s power.

Like David in Psalm 20:7, he didn’t trust powerful horses or grand chariots.

Instead, he placed his faith in God. How come a powerful king doesn’t rely on his machinery and weapons?

It is because David had experienced first-hand the display of God’s power and deliverance over his enemies.

God saved him countless times, and all he needed to do on his part was to obey the Lord.

David relied on the wisdom of the Lord and not on his skill and strength. 

In Psalm 77:11, the psalmist is in distress, but he writes that he will remember how God performed miracles for him in the past.

It is comforting to know that the same powerful God who helped us before is also the same God who will help us today and in the future.

To remember that God is sovereign and always in control, we only need to return to the promises of the Bible

It reminds us of God’s character.

Being reminded that God is not like a man who lies and He is someone who keeps His promises is enough to bring comfort and assurance.

It is especially true when we’ve already experienced His love and grace in the past.

Just like what Isaiah 40:8 says, the Word of God is eternal, and Malachi 3:6 tells us that God Himself does not change.

We can rest in the truth that the same God we’ve trusted in the past is the one we can trust today and in the future. 

It reminds us of God’s unconditional and radical love for us.

Romans 8:31 gives us a mighty assurance that if we have the Lord on our side, who can oppose us?

As long as we obey God and rely on His wisdom, we know we are on the right path.

Even if we face a big problem, He will fight our battles for us because He cares for us.

We only need to be still, and it doesn’t mean being passive.

It means fully trusting in the Lord, soaking in prayer, and following His righteous ways. 

He loves us so much that He doesn’t want us to go the wrong path because of our bad decisions.

It is what He meant in His word when He said to trust Him with all our hearts and not rely on our knowledge (Proverbs 3:5). 

In Summary

Trials are a part of life, and no one is exempt from them.

Our human wisdom and abilities are limited, and we cannot always be in control of things.

It is our pride that often makes us think we can.

When we face an impossible situation, we realize that some things are out of our hands.

Here is why we need to constantly remind ourselves with a “God is in control” verse.

It is a beautiful reminder that God is the one who sits on the throne, not us.

He is the one in control and the one who holds things together. 

Alex Shute
Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow.
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