Reading a morning Bible verse motivates and encourages you through the day.
Making it a habit helps your walk in faith as a refreshing reminder every morning.
Not many people feel energetic in the morning.
Some people even joke that gravity is infinitely more powerful in the morning because it’s harder to get up.
Though for some, it is a wonderful routine to read a daily Bible verse to begin their day.
They would do their morning devotions and spend some time in prayer, too.
Are your mornings full of joy?
Mornings are times of new beginnings, new opportunities, and new hope.
Here is what the Bible says about joy in the morning.
Why Read an Early in the Morning Bible Verse?
For a long time, getting up earlier than usual to meditate on the Word of God seemed like too much work.
But to be motivated to do something, one must know the purpose of doing that thing.
What good do we get from starting the day with God?
There is a lot of chaos going on in the world today.
Turn on the tv or read the news, and most of the time, you’ll find more bad than good.
However, Jesus promised us peace that comes from Him (John 14:27).
It is the kind of peace that remains even when everything around us is anything but peaceful.
It calms us and prepares us for whatever our day will bring.
We are equipped.
We can only know this peace when we spend time with the One who gives it.
The Bible is full of wisdom, not because it is full of stories about wise people but because it is full of stories about people who failed and learned.
Learning from our failures will make us wiser.
But we do not have to fail again and again just to be wise.
We can learn from other people’s mistakes too.
By reading the Bible, we also allow ourselves to think.
Meditating is not as easy or simple as it sounds.
We train our brains to interpret the Word of God.
Being a Good Example
If you are a parent, you know that children pay more attention to what we do than what we say.
To say that we want to nurture spiritual disciplines in their lives, we have to set examples in our own lives.
For those who do not have children, setting examples for others is important, too.
If we make it a habit of studying the Word of God, it will show.
It’s like a light that cannot be hidden.
It will glow.
Don’t you want that?
The Bible is not just full of stories of people who failed.
It is also full of stories about people who persevered and succeeded.
There are so many inspiring stories in the Bible.
So many verses also give strength.
They say that life is full of battles.
We fight anxieties, doubts, negative thoughts, fatigue, and so much more daily.
We go to bed and wake up the next day to do it all over again.
There are so many verses that can strengthen us.
We can find assurances and promises that help with our daily battles.
So many people find it hard to listen.
They hear but they do not listen.
Listening is important. We learn by listening.
Also, we strengthen relationships by listening.
We grow.
God’s way of communicating today is different from the Old Testament.
There are no more booming messages from the heavens.
To hear God, we have to use our senses.
This teaches us to listen closely to people, and with it, our relationships and our lives improve significantly.
If there is something that is repeated in the Bible so many times, it is love.
God keeps directing us to love Him and others.
First, meditating on the Word of God fills us with His love.
Then we give back that love to God and others.
How to Start the Day with God
The will to do it
Honestly, the first step is to want to do it.
The drive to do it should come from you.
No amount of encouraging or spiritual words would make a difference if we do not want them to.
You have to be determined about it yourself.
Focus on the benefits.
Hold on to the benefits of connecting with God early in the morning.
Sometimes we do things only because we believe we have to do them.
Yes, meditating on God’s Word in the morning is important for our faith but we are talking about a relationship here.
If we are doing things for a relationship out of obligation, it would soon feel too heavy to keep doing it.
Go to bed early
It would also help a lot if we go to bed early.
Meditating on God’s Word in the morning would require time and we would have to wake up earlier than usual.
We should not sacrifice our sleep so it would be best if we give ourselves more time to sleep.
Keep it simple
It is important to keep it simple especially if you are just starting.
Do not overburden yourself.
The Lord will hear you even without complicated rituals. What is important is your heart.
Remove distractions
I find it hard to focus, so I have to make sure that there are as few distractions as possible around me.
If your phone distracts you, it might be best if you buy a Bible instead of using a Bible app.
Establish a routine
It is important to do it daily and to establish a routine.
It would be hard at first but once a routine is established, it would become a part of us and it would feel natural every single day.
Finally, it would even come to the point where we crave it daily.
What Does the Bible Say About Morning Routine?
There are a lot of Bible characters who sought God in the morning.
King Hezekiah rose early, gathered the city officials, then went to the temple, burnt sacrifices, and worshipped God. (2 Chronicles 29:20)
Moses woke up early and built an altar for the Lord where they burnt sacrifices as offerings to the Lord. (Exodus 24:4-5)
The psalmist also sings praises to God and longs for His instruction and guidance in the morning. (Psalm 143:8)
Morning routine for Christians
Do you feel like you are dealing with the same thing every day?
Life is full of responsibilities.
At times, it may feel like they never end.
It can be overwhelming.
If this is happening to you, it might do you a lot of good if you anchor yourself on God.
It might feel like the things we have to do are unlimited, but our strength is so little.
Spending time with God in the morning before everything else starts might just be the thing that we need.
At times we also indulge in unproductivity. We want to be productive but we end up getting distracted and then we run out of time for the things that matter.
Spending time with God might help us put everything in perspective so we could make the most of our day so we do not go to bed feeling guilty about a day wasted.
What is Jesus’ prayer routine?
Jesus had a busy schedule while He was on earth.
There was not an idle moment with Him.
He was always teaching, healing, and performing miracles.
A lot of people sought Him out. A lot of people followed Him around.
In Mark 1:35, we get a glimpse of what Jesus’ morning routine looked like.
Jesus started before everyone’s day started. He prioritized it.
He knows He had a very busy schedule and He had a lot to do so He made time for His meditation early in the morning.
Jesus gets up to be alone.
His routine did not involve Him waking up and deciding it was too cold or that He was too tired and then going back to sleep.
He went to a secluded place, away from all distractions so He could focus.
He knows that this is important.
Jesus prayed.
Something I admire the most about Jesus is how He used His life to be a good example for us.
He teaches not just by words but by His life.
Tips on How to Do Morning Devotion
Building relationships is personal.
It is individual.
Sometimes, it is better to figure out what works for us and focus on it.
Yet, one has to start somewhere.
Here are some tips to help us start and figure out what is good for us.
Make a schedule
Plan ahead.
Determine how long you will need and fit it into your schedule.
It can be easier to do something if we have a clear picture of what would happen.
Read the Bible
One simple and effective way of studying the Word is to read the verses three times and then see what is striking for you.
Ask questions, try to answer them, and then see how it relates to your life.
Write it down
So many things demand our attention and time every single day.
It seems impossible to remember everything.
Write down your realizations and learnings from the meditation so you can always go back to it and it would always seem fresh.
End with a prayer
Always end with a prayer.
Pour your heart out to Him.
Be honest.
Tell Him all about your concerns, worries, and gratitude.
Then, for a little while, keep quiet and then try to listen.
Let yourself hear God’s voice.
7 Morning Bible Verses That Bring Joy
Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Ever felt exhausted right after waking up?
Is life taking too much out of you?
Jesus promises rest.
This is not just about physical rest.
Let your mind and heart find rest in Him.
John 16:33
“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.
In this world, you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Life can be complicated at times.
It can demand a lot out of us.
But we can be reassured that Jesus overcome the world and He will help us do the same.
John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.”
Peace is something this world needs badly.
Come to God and He will give us the peace we need.
John 16:24
“Until now, you have not asked for anything in my name.
Ask, and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”
Sometimes, it is hard to ask for things.
We are so used to having to work for things before we can get them.
Yet, God promises to give us what we need in His name.
Deuteronomy 31:8
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
God cares about us.
He always keeps His word.
We can find the strength to face everyday trials with this knowledge.
1 Peter 5:7
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
It might be hard to imagine that God has time to listen to our woes when He is in charge of everything.
But, the fact is, He cares.
He is interested in what happens in our life, just like a parent.
Matthew 19:26
“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”
We are very limited.
That is why it is always so good to know that God is on our side and has our backs.
6 Morning Bible Verses to Start the Day with God
Making a habit of including God in our planning is good practice.
He knows way more than we could ever know and He cares about us.
Life is not always full of rainbows.
Life can be hard and disappointing.
But we should always find ways to be grateful and to trust that God is doing whatever is best for us.
Life is full of unexpected things.
Some of them are bad things.
Despite this, we have the reassurance that God is there for us.
We might feel overwhelmed at times, and we want to look for a place to curl up and hide.
God is our hiding place. He will keep us safe.
God’s presence is one of the most comforting things in the world.
And it is always available to us if only we seek it.
God may let us go through trials so we can grow and be stronger but, He will always be there with us holding our hands all the way.
6 Powerful Morning Bible Verses to Read
Connecting with God daily would strengthen our relationship with Him.
Fear can make people irrational. It can prevent us from doing things that we want to do.
Also, it can impede our growth and can rob us of things we want to have and experience.
It can be paralyzing.
But with God’s hand holding ours, we have nothing to be scared of.
It is hard to avoid sin and on more than one occasion, we might even commit some.
God promises to forgive us.
God loves everyone, and He gave everyone a chance to be saved.
Being justified means being made righteous.
God cleansed us from our sins.
His grace is rich and always readily available.
Giving God thanks and praises is not just our obligation as His followers but also beneficial for us because it can keep things in perspective.
6 Inspirational Morning Bible Verses
God’s love never fails, and it is promised to us and to anyone who seeks it.
We are not alone in this. Others are there to strengthen us and cheer us on.
They can help us keep going.
It is impossible to fathom the extent and the power of the love of God.
It is so strong that nothing can tear us away from it.
At times, we might view ourselves as unlovable.
God thinks otherwise.
He loves us no matter what.
We need to celebrate victories, even small ones.
Celebrating it with others and with God is a good way of doing it.
God’s word is as dependable as He is. He is strong, an anchor.
Yet He always has His eyes fixed on us, especially when we are in need.
4 Encouraging Morning Bible Verses
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Courage does not always come naturally.
It is defined as doing something despite it being frightening.
If we start our day with God, courage will come easier.
Isaiah 55:8
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.”
God sees the whole picture.
We see only a part.
This makes things hard for us.
We do not understand everything.
Sometimes, the best thing to do is to let and hold on to God.
Romans 8:28
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.”
Following God and doing all the work that comes with it might seem too much at times.
But the benefit of following God is incomparable.
Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
The promise of strength and help from God is a comfort in times when we are in distress.
In Summary
Mornings mark the beginning of our days.
It marks a new opportunity.
Starting it with God would make a lot of difference.
It would give us extra strength, peace, joy, confidence, and hope.
Knowing that we are not alone in whatever we may face in our day gives comfort and confidence.
Knowing that it is God with us every step of the way matters even more.