A prayer for a future husband is putting him in your thoughts and surrendering him to the One who sees and knows him best.
Marriage is a sacred union and institution designed by God.
As a woman, you can begin becoming a prayerful wife even before marriage.
You do not have to be in a relationship or engaged to start praying for your future spouse.
So whether you are single, hoping to find your “God’s best,” or are engaged, this article will help you pray for your future husband.
What is a Prayer for a Future Husband?
A prayer for a future husband is communicating to the Lord about your husband-to-be.
It is putting him in your thoughts and surrendering him to the One who sees and knows him best.
A prayer for a future husband also serves as a declaration of agreement and allegiance to marriage as designed by God.
How to Say a Prayer for a Future Husband?
Be intentional
Followers of Christ uphold the sacredness of marriage.
They recognize how vital marriage is in the light of God’s design.
Christian women know the significance of marrying a godly husband who will lead her and their family.
Therefore, saying a prayer for your future husband is something to be intentional about.
Carve out time to pray despite the busyness of your days.
Include thoughts and prayers about your husband in your quiet time with the Lord.
Be humble and sincere.
Remember that God sees the hearts of His people (1 Samuel 16:7).
You might be intentional about praying for your future husband, doing it every day, but only God can see your motives.
With all humility, recognize that the Lord orchestrates and allows whatever happens in our lives and whoever we meet.
There is no accident in the Christian life.
It is also best to ask Him to purify your desires as you seek the Lord in prayer for your future husband.
Above all, submit to His will for your relationship and life.
Be of faith
Praying for your future husband must come from a faith that finds assurance in the Lord’s goodness and will.
Your prayers ought not to flow from fear and anxiety about the future or desperate loneliness in your current life as a single woman.
When you say a prayer for your future husband, leave no doubt about how the Lord will work in your life and your future spouse (James 1:6).
You can utter this prayer with strong faith, not from your own strength but because God Himself is forever faithful.
7 Effective Prayers for a Future Husband
Prayer for an intimate relationship with God
God designed marriage to be a relationship between three people—you, your husband-to-be, and God.
The more you and your future husband cultivate and hone an intimate relationship with God, the closer you will feel to each other.
Focusing the mind and heart on Jesus brings peace, strength, and wisdom.
God, of all love, strength, and wisdom, I come to you in humility today to pray for my future husband.
Thank you for making it possible for sinners like us to draw closer to you through the work of Jesus.
I pray that my spouse-to-be sets his eyes on Jesus, deepening their relationship daily.
Also, I pray that he will experience your marvelous grace and mercy in the challenges he encounters and not resort to ungodly and sinful ways.
I pray that he grows in faith and steadfastness.
I pray all these in the mighty name of Your son, Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for godly character
You might have a checklist of the best husband you could have – a list of negotiable and non-negotiables.
However, more than the external characteristics, a man’s heart determines who he is and who he will become in a marriage.
Therefore, praying for a man with a godly character is vital.
Of course, there is no perfect person without sin.
Marriage is a sacred place where two individuals are molded into Christlikeness.
But at the same time, the godly character of a man is a great foundation for marriage.
Pray that your spouse-to-be is “a man after God’s heart”(1 Samuel 13:14).
Holy God, I pray for my future husband.
May he be a man who does not conform to the fallen ways of the world but sets his heart and mind on you.
May the challenges he faces today and those he will encounter in the future mold him into the man and husband you designed him to be.
Like the many men of faith you built up, build up my future husband into godliness.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer for commitment to spiritual disciplines
Deepening our relationship with the Lord does not happen naturally.
Building intimacy with Christ entails drawing closer to Him through spiritual disciplines.
I want to make it clear, though, that these disciplines are not a requirement for salvation.
Instead, they are an overflow and evidence of salvation.
Pray that your spouse-to-be becomes unceasing in prayer.
Pray that he knows the true essence of personal and corporate worship.
Lastly, pray that he is committed to reading, understanding, and living out Scripture.
Heavenly Father, I am thankful that you provided Jesus so we can be reconciled with you.
Thank you so that we can talk to you, know more about you, and experience you.
In the same way that I long to have a deeper relationship with you, I also desire such for my future husband.
May He always remember to put you first and be committed to spending time with you.
I pray he never tires of praying, being firm in the faith, and worshiping you, the one true God.
In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for godly leadership
Scripture outlines husband and wife roles.
“The husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior;
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:23,25).
The charge for husbands is not a walk in the park.
Thus, it is essential to pray that God raises your future husband as a godly leader for you and your family.
Ever-giving and loving Father, thank you for my future husband and the man he is becoming.
I praise you, Jesus, for giving yourself for us so that we can live by faith in your name.
I pray that my husband draws ever closer to you.
May he live out your word.
Teach him to love and protect as you do.
Allow him to put you first, and by doing so, direct and encourage our future family to follow your will.
Remove strongholds in his life.
Heal him from hurts and experiences that hinder his spiritual growth.
Build him as a godly model to me, his children, and others.
In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for provisions
God designed the husband to be the provider of the family.
This design encompasses financial and material provisions and resources of strength, protection, and direction.
Pray that God provides your husband-to-be the means to be a wise and strong provider for you and your future family.
Gracious and loving Father, I humbly come before you to seek your guidance and blessing for my future husband.
You are a great provider who supplies our needs and gives before we even ask.
I pray to my God of the impossible to financially provide for my husband-to-be and every area of his life.
I entrust him completely unto you, and I trust in your grand plans to prosper him.
Bless him, and may your favor be upon him always.
I pray all these in the mightiest name of your beloved Son, Jesus. Amen.
Prayer for clear direction and purpose
Since the husband is the family’s leader, he must have a clear direction.
A man will thrive in places and with a mindset where he knows he is called to something bigger than himself.
Pray that your husband will allow God to lead your family to a godly and righteous path through him.
Dear Lord, I pray for my future husband.
May he seek you first, your kingdom, and your holiness.
May he not be swayed by the desires of the flesh, eyes, and this world’s pride.
In all his affairs, may he always seek and be eager to do your will.
I pray that he will have a teachable heart and spirit.
May he always surrender and submit to your molding.
I pray that my future husband will have a divine mission and kingdom mindset.
Set eternity in his heart, Lord.
Speak to him about how he can operate as an ambassador of your kingdom in his workplace, relationships, and the world.
I pray he will not tire of loving and standing firm in the faith.
Birth within him is a purpose and a calling that goes beyond himself and extends to people around him and the generations to come.
May he be driven by his love for you and your people.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Prayer for a godly community and accountability
Humans are people wired for connection.
As the church, followers of Christ are to love and encourage each other (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Pray that your future husband chooses his friends, peers, and community wisely.
Heavenly Father, thank you for teaching and modeling what true fellowship means.
Thank you for your steadfast love, faithfulness, and compassion.
I pray that the love you abound in my future husband will overflow to his family, friends, and community.
Provide him with mentors who will model and guide him in his spiritual walk.
May he be actively humble, easy to correct, and a joy to teach.
Help him be a man of integrity, honor, and character through the godly people surrounding him.
I pray this in the beautiful name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
In Summary
A heart for marriage does not only begin during dating.
Saying a prayer for your future husband honors God’s design for marriage and prepares you for this ministry.
A prayer for your future husband acknowledges the compassion and sovereignty of God over your relationship.
Be confident that God keeps you and your future husband until the day you meet or wed and even after that.
Utter this prayer with humility, intentionality, and sincerity.
I hope these prayers inspire you to unceasingly keep your future husband in mind and surrender him and your relationship to the God who holds all things—including your future marriage—in his hands.