15 Best and Effective Prayers for Marriage

A prayer for marriage keeps us centered on God and allows us to surrender everything about our marriage to Him.

Fairytales and romance films portray marriage as the “happily-ever-after,” the destination two individuals seek as a culmination of their love.

But marriage is more than sweet-nothings, romance, and rainbows.

It is a commitment between two people, a covenantal relationship God authored and designed.

When a man and woman marry each other, there are blessings and challenges.

Prayer then becomes a weapon that they can wield for success.

What is a Good Prayer for Marriage?

A prayer for marriage is a conversation between the Lord and a spouse or a married couple.

A good prayer for marriage recognizes God as the center and designer of marriage and seeks His guidance and power in overcoming trials, enjoying blessings, and giving Him glory.

Significance of saying a prayer for marriage

To keep the Lord at the center of our marriage

God authored and designed marriage.

Marriage is also a Bible picture of Jesus and the Church as His bridegroom.

Picture a triangle with God at the center and the spouses at each side at the bottom.

The closer each spouse is to God, the closer they are to each other.

The farthest point each spouse is to God is the farthest point they are to each other.

Keeping God at the center of our marriages means that we honor Him as the author and designer of this sacred covenant, obey His commandments regarding being a godly spouse, have a personal relationship with Him, pray without ceasing, and anchor our strength, hope, and commitment to Him foremost.

For hope and help in times of trouble

Marriages are not immune to trials and challenges.

The enemy is relentless in destroying and killing the covenantal bond of marriage – from problems that occur to and around the marriage, as well as trials that happen within the marriage and between the spouses.

On our own, these marriage troubles can seem insurmountable.

When drowned in a storm of difficulties, it is easy to feel helpless and hopeless.

Lifting a prayer for marriage and allowing the Lord to work in and through our marriages can help us see our spouse and commitment in the light of God’s sustenance and strength.

Our help and ultimate solution for our problems come from the Lord (Psalm 121:2).

No matter how big the problem is in our marriage, God is always greater to overcome and see us through.

To cultivate peace and gratitude

Through prayer for marriage, we can lay down our worries, fears, and concerns at the feet of Jesus.

As we surrender to His Lordship and obey His word, our hearts and minds are filled with peace that can only come from Him (John 14:27).

Also, a prayer for marriage gives us room to focus on the goodness and faithfulness of God.

When we focus on the good He is doing in our lives and marriages, our worries turn into worship and grumbles into gratitude.

As a result, we become more thankful to our spouses, which fosters joy, understanding, and care in our marriages.

To keep us humble and surrendered.

God uses the uniqueness of marriage to grow spouses into holiness and spiritual maturity.

Each trial, seen in the light of God’s eternal glory, has a purpose.

Being anchored in the Lord through prayer for marriage ensures that pride does not swell our minds and hearts.

Pride will tell us that we can sustain marriage on our own strength.

Praying and keeping our faith in the Lord allows us to be humble, rely on, and surrender to Him fully.

Praying for marriage is a great blessing.

It is a privilege to pray for your spouse and marriage.

Jesus’ finished work on the Cross at Calvary allows us to have 24/7 access to God so we can go to Him and lay down our requests.

Praying for marriage to a God who answers, is good, and is sovereign is a great blessing for marriages.

Bible verses to anchor on for a prayer for marriage

Hebrews 13:4

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. 

Genesis 2:24

Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 

Matthew 19:6

So they are no longer two but one flesh.

What, therefore, God has joined together, let no man separate. 

Genesis 2:18

Then the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil.

For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.

But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! 

1 Peter 4:8

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly since love covers a multitude of sins. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.

It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

15 Effective Prayers for Marriage

For preparation for marriage

Dear Lord, preparing for marriage is hard.

I am overwhelmed with fears and worries, thinking about all the what-ifs and possibilities.

I am afraid that my future spouse and I will be unable to weather life’s storms or build a successful marriage.

Lord, I lift all these thoughts to you.

Sanctify our motives in entering a marriage.

Continue to grow us into Christlikeness.

Teach us to love You and each other godly.

Show us how marriage should be for Your glory.

Help us build our marriage on the foundation of Your steadfast love and faithfulness.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For the wedding day

Heavenly Father, I have waited for this day with joyful anticipation.

Thank You for giving me a future spouse who reflects Your love for me.

I surrender my wedding day to you, oh Lord.

Work in and through the tiniest detail of our wedding to show the magnificence of Your hand.

Keep me and my future spouse calm, joyful, and centered on You, and not on the trivial things that make up our wedding.

We desire to honor and glorify Your name.

May our wedding be a testimony of Your love and faithfulness.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

For health and happiness

Father God, I know there is a limit to our body’s mortality and capacity.

Though I wrestle with this truth, I humbly come to You to pray for my and my spouse’s health.

Help us to be good stewards of our bodies, keeping up with nutrition, exercise, and sleep.

Keep us away from illnesses and accidents.

I also pray for joy in our marriage.

Above all, may we anchor our assurance and happiness on You.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For peace, healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation

Lord God, I am grateful that You chose me to be one in marriage with my spouse.

But there are days we are overcome by offense and anger for the things the other one falls short of.

Jesus, I pray that we never forget Your sacrifice on the Cross and the power of Your resurrection so that we can, in love, release forgiveness to each other and reconcile no matter how many times we hurt each other.

May we keep the peace in our marriage as a testament to our faith in You and Your faithfulness and grace working in and through us.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For strength to resist temptations

Heavenly Father, I lift my marriage to You in humility and dependence.

I know the enemy relentlessly destroys the commitment my spouse and I made to each other, with You as the center.

Give us the strength to walk away from the temptations that plague our relationship—unfaithfulness, resentment, unforgiveness, spite, anger, and dishonesty.

Search our hearts, allow us to see where we displease You, and afford us a genuinely repentant heart.

I know we do not fight our battles alone, for You have overcome death and triumphed over every evil.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayer for unity in marriage

Dear God, thank You for giving me a godly partner with whom I can journey this earthly life.

I pray that my spouse and I will be one in mind and spirit, worshiping and glorifying You.

May we have one goal: to love You above all and keep the covenant of marriage sacred.

May our lives genuinely manifest our spiritual journey and maturity in Christ.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For financial disputes and disagreements

Heavenly Father, You have said in Your word that the root of all evil is love of money (1 Timothy 6:10).

May the desires of hearts be anchored only in worshiping and serving You, not worldly desires like financial riches and power.

Whenever there will be arguments about finances in our marriage, please give us the wisdom and discernment to return to Your command.

Remind us that all that we have is from Your grace and goodness.

May we not be blinded by the needs of our flesh and the lusts of our eyes; instead, use the money You provide for us to build a stronger marriage and expand Your Kingdom.

Help us to be good stewards of Your provisions and not allow money to be the focus of our lives.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For provisions and prosperity

Lord God, I give You glory, for You are the Maker of everything.

Your magnificence is too vast for me to comprehend.

Yet You are mindful of me and are always faithful and good.

Lord, You know our needs before we even realize we need them.

You promised never to forsake or abandon Your children.

I pray for Your provisions for my marriage – materially, financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

May we prosper according to Your will for us.

We know that in Christ, we will never hunger or lack.

Help us to be godly ambassadors of Your resources as we give You the glory now and forever.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For renewed love and constant intimacy

Heavenly Father, I come to You with a heart filled with expectation and awe.

Thank You for sustaining my marriage throughout every trial and triumph.

I pray for a refreshed perspective of my commitment to my spouse.

We are only able to love because You have shown us how it is to love.

Renew our love and intimacy for each other.

Rekindle our attraction and affection.

May the coming years of togetherness only prove Your unfailing provision and love for us.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For understanding and gentle communication

Dear Lord, help me and my spouse be gentle, understanding, and empathic when speaking to each other.

May we not forget the grace that You afford so we can extend grace to each other, too.

Help us not fear laying our hearts down with vulnerability and honesty.

Give us the strength to hold our tongue when we are ridden with overwhelming emotions that push us to say unkind words.

May we source our words and understanding from Your unfailing love for us and our covenantal love for each other.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For godly fulfillment of marriage roles

Dear God, You are the designer and author of marriage.

You have created men and women equal but with different roles.

Help my spouse and I honor this design and our roles in our marriage.

Help us fulfill these roles with respect and love for each other and reverence for You.

May we not act out of spite, resentment, or malice.

As we accomplish what You have established for us to do, may we find favor in Your sight.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For when trials and hardships come

Dear Lord, we cannot overcome the troubles that come our way by our own strength.

We know the enemy wants our marriage to crumble, but nothing can be against us in Your mighty protection.

Strengthen our minds and convictions to surrender to and obey You no matter how difficult things can get.

Provide the resources for us to honor the commitment we made to each other and You.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For spiritual growth

Dear Heavenly Father, I have been blessed with a journeying partner by Your grace and mercy.

However, I often find myself lost and confused with the challenges of marriage, especially in becoming a good steward of this partnership before You.

I pray for the gift of discernment so that I may grow to be a Christ-like partner and be able to comfort and grace my spouse in the ways You provided for me.

In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

For God to use your marriage for His Kingdom

Heavenly Father, what a blessing to have a partner with whom I can share this life.

You did not only give me a lifelong companion but a partner whom I can serve You with.

Lord, I pray that my spouse and I will be an extension of Your love, care, and faithfulness to others.

May our marriage be an encouragement for those who have grown cynical of marriage and Your word.

May You multiply the work of our hands in expanding Your Kingdom for Your honor and glory alone.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For God’s presence and a Christ-centered marriage

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Your gracious love that I am blessed to experience through my spouse.

And while we share this love and can journey together, we acknowledge that You are the one who holds us together.

You are our anchor and strength, both individually and as a couple.

We come before You in total dependence and submit to Your will.

We pray that You continue to guide and strengthen us, O God, that through our marriage, our brothers and sisters may glimpse heaven and taste Your eternal Love.

And as we serve, we pray, O Lord, that You remain the center of our love in our private moments.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Final Word

Marriage brings many blessings but also holds many challenges.

In all the ups and downs of this commitment to love, there is a glorious opportunity to keep God at the center, to recognize that He is the keeper and sustainer of marriage and the foundation from which love overflows.

One of the most powerful ways to stay anchored to God is to utter a prayer for marriage from the beginning of the day to the end of the night.

A prayer for marriage keeps us centered on God and allows us to surrender everything about our marriage to Him.

In Him, there is comfort, blessing, and assurance.

Don’t neglect to pray for your marriage; say a prayer of marriage today!

Alex Shute
Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow.
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