Prayer points for intercession are a helpful list of people we can raise to God in meditation in addition to those in our family and friend group.
We often raise our concerns and those around us to God when we pray.
We forget that we also have the power to reach other people through prayer, even when we are not physically with them; that is what you call an intercessory prayer.
Though there are no definite outlines or rules to be followed when making pleas on behalf of another before God, we can use prayer points for intercession as a reminder.
There are more prayer points for appeal and their importance as you read further.
What are Prayer Points for Intercession?
What is intercessory prayer?
Intercessory prayer is when you plea to God on behalf of another person or group.
We see many examples of intercessory prayers in the Bible; even Jesus Christ has prayed on behalf of His disciples and all believers in John 17:6-26.
Scriptures about Prayer Points for Intercession
Hebrews 7:25
“Therefore, he can completely save those who come to God through him because he always lives to intercede for them.”
When we read through the Old Testament, the priest has to intercede for the people to come into worship with the Lord.
The priests intercede by offering sacrifices for the people of Israel.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, He became the ultimate High Priest and Intercessor so that we all can freely worship God and forgive our sins.
Romans 8:26-27
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people by the will of God.”
Some have the gift of prayer language, where the Holy Spirit intercedes us in meditation and speaks on our behalf.
There are indeed times when we do not know what to ask from God.
But don’t worry; the Holy Spirit helps us speak what is in our hearts to communicate with God.
1 Timothy 2:1-4
“I urge, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and come to know the truth.”
In this passage, Paul encourages us to intercede for those around us in prayers of petition and thanksgiving.
Even those we do not personally know, like people in authority, we can and should pray for them so that they may do their duties properly.
Nehemiah 1:4
“When I heard these things, I sat down and wept.
For some days, I mourned, fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven.”
When Nehemiah said this, Jerusalem’s walls were broken down, and its gates burned, resulting in a remnant part of Israel not doing well.
This unfortunate news brought Nehemiah to his knees in prayer for Israel.
However, due to his faith, Nehemiah’s mediation led to the rebuilding of the city of Israel.
Prayer Points for Intercession
Pray on behalf of all Christian churches around the world.
Since we are all human, there is no perfect Christian church.
Humans make mistakes and often forget some of the lessons God has already taught us.
It is why we need to pray for our church elders and all the Christian churches worldwide.
As members, they need all the help they can get to lead their members toward God’s plan for the church.
Pray on behalf of the heads of your state.
We also need to pray for the heads of our state.
Yes, even when we disagree with their views.
As Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:1-4, we must pray for those in authority as it is a good deed and pleases our Lord.
Pray for God to guide them into making decisions pleasing to His will.
Ask that He surround our leaders with people who would help shape them into great leaders of our country.
Surrender your discontentment and instead focus on asking God to use those in authority for the betterment of our nation.
Pray on behalf of those who are sick and suffering.
Though we cannot physically be there for all those sick and suffering, we can still help them through prayer.
Keep those who are ill and suffering in your thoughts and sincerely ask God to relieve them of their pain and discomfort.
Pray that the Lord shower them with strength and love, especially when they feel hopeless.
Particularly now that we are still amid a pandemic, most of us choose to suffer instead silently.
Pray on behalf of persecuted Christians.
As Hebrews 13:3 says, pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters as if we were in their shoes.
Pray that persecuted Christians seek God’s strength and love and hold fast to His faithfulness.
Ask God to constantly remind them of His promises so that they will remember the higher calling and reward in store for them.
Lastly, rejoice and glorify the Lord’s work through the lives of the persecuted Christians.
How to Pray the Intercessory Prayer Points?
Pray from the heart.
Put yourself in the other person’s shoes; if you were in their position, what would you ask from God?
Like how we pray for our needs, we must pray from the heart.
Heartfelt prayers help convey how much we want God to hear our concern for others and allow us to feel empathetic about their circumstance.
Pray with faith and trust in God’s power.
No matter how bleak the situation is, we must have faith and trust in God’s power.
He has always made the impossible possible.
We must believe in God’s power and plan, that no matter what happens, God is in control.
We must remind ourselves that God knows what He is doing; He already knows of every possibility and has an answer for everything.
Pray regularly and fervently.
When we want something from God, we pray for it regularly and fervently until we receive an answer from Him.
Though we wouldn’t get an answer from God firsthand, we still have to pray for others unceasingly.
That is how you know the other person’s concern is important to you when you dedicate time and effort to raising their worries in prayer.
We must be consistent and bring up the problems of others daily; it can be our way of supporting them through difficult times.
Pray with love
When we pray for someone else’s concerns, we should always do it with love.
Do not pray out of obligation, as this can become monotonous and insincere.
Pray because you genuinely care for the other person and wish God to help them overcome their struggle.
Pray in a detailed request.
Even if we do not personally know the other person’s concerns, let us pray as if we were in their shoes.
Think of what we would ask for if we were going through a tough time.
Ask for God’s presence to envelop them so they feel He is near and there to lead them through their struggles.
Ask that they may have comfort and healing through God’s presence and healing hand.
Pray they can hold onto God’s promises and see everything through.
Why is it Essential to Use the Prayer Points for Intercession?
These prayer points for intercession are simply suggestions on who we can pray for, and though some concerns are not listed, that doesn’t mean we can’t pray for them.
It is still essential to use the prayer points to remember that God cares for all, not just us.
It would be selfish to ask God to help us with our concerns when all of His teachings are about looking out for our neighbor.
Remember the two commandments that should matter according to Mark 12:30-31.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
There is no commandment greater than these.”
Sincerely praying on behalf of others is a way to show we love them as much as we love ourselves.
In Summary
When God allows us to come into prayer, He wants us to personally raise our concerns as well as the concerns of others.
In doing so, we learn to empathize with and care for others.
Prayer points for intercession are a helpful list that teaches us to be empathetic to the problematic situations others are going through.
We are encouraged to pray even for people outside the prayer points list; what’s important is that we make pleas on their behalf.
Do not do it out of obligation but out of love!
Our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ need all their help during this time of struggle and hardship.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be comforted that people are praying for you, even if you don’t personally know them?