8 Effective Prayers for Good Luck and Good Fortune

Prayers for good luck are an excellent opportunity to surrender our worries and doubts so that God can fill our hearts with hope and anticipation for the future.

Praying is the best way to communicate with God and tell Him our concerns, worries, goals, and ambitions.

Although Christians do not leave anything to chance and luck, praying for good luck is still an effective form of communication with God.

But before we pray for good luck, let’s first know what it is and how to do it.

What are Prayers for Good Luck?

Praying for good luck is a way for us to ask God for positivity and help when we worry and have doubts.

Although we know nothing happens by chance, praying helps calm us and puts our heads into perspective.

It also gives us something to look forward to and helps us gain confidence in our endeavors.

How to Pray for Good Luck?

Thank God first

Before asking for anything, always thank God first.

He is why we are alive, can do what we want, and have what we need.

Never forget to thank God for everything we have in our lives.

A thankful heart for God keeps us humble and constantly reminds us to trust in God’s process and leadership. 

Surrender your worries and doubts.

Our worries and doubts prevent us from seeing the ‘luck’ we have.

So, when praying for good luck, always surrender your worries and doubts to God.

It will help your luck and boost your confidence because talking about your fears helps you unload stress.

Learning to lay down your worries and doubts to God also trains you to trust Him more each day. 

Ask for God to give you confidence in your endeavor.

After surrendering your doubts and worries, ask God for confidence and courage.

No matter how big or small you will be facing, you must ask God to prepare you so that you will be confident in your endeavor.

Good luck only works when you are positive and self-assured with your trust in God’s plan and leadership.

Ask for God to give you peace while you wait for the outcome

Waiting is always nerve-wracking.

It makes you think of thousands of possible outcomes, even results that are sometimes too far-fetched.

So, while you wait for the outcome, ask God to give you peace in your mind and heart.

Ask Him to remove any doubts or worries that may cause you to overthink and stress over something that won’t likely happen. 

Best and Effective Prayers for Good Luck

Prayer for Good Luck in Exams

Dear God, please replace the worry and fear I have in my heart with peace and reassurance.

Please give me the wisdom and knowledge to do well in my exams.

Please help me stay calm during the exam so that I can think clearly and answer well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Good Luck and Fortune

Heavenly Father, I come before you to ask for good luck and good fortune for the new year.

I pray you bless me with a financial breakthrough and good health, but please help me remain humble.

Please do not give me too much that I would become boastful and forget you, nor too little that I would curse you.

With good luck and good fortune, you would also bless me with a heart that knows contentment so that I would not become greedy.

Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to discuss my concerns and goals.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayers for Good Luck on Job Interviews

Lord Jesus Christ, 

I am very nervous about my upcoming job interviews.

I fear I will not give it my all and will fumble with my answers. I pray for you to remove my fears and doubts.

Please keep my heart calm and reassure me that you will give me the job meant for me.

I pray that you will keep me level-headed during my interviews so I can answer the questions correctly and make a good impression.

Please constantly remind me that you will be by my side throughout the interview.

Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers and giving me many job opportunities. Amen.

Good Luck Prayers for Birthdays

Dear God, thank you for blessing me with another year in my life.

Thank you for the blessings I’ve received and the lessons I’ve learned through my mistakes and your teachings.

Please continue to guide and teach me this year.

Please help me to grow into the person you want me to be.

Thank you for the gift of life. Amen.

Prayer for Good Luck for the New Year

Heavenly Father, 

Please bless this new year as you did the years before.

Thank you for continually providing for our needs even before we ask for it.

I pray that you continue teaching and molding us into the people you want us to be.

Please help us be sensitive to your guidance and give us wisdom so we can make the right decisions.

We surrender this year to you because we know your plans are better than our goals and ambitions.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Good Luck in my Business

Lord God, I lift my business to you.

Please guide me in making the right decisions and grant me luck so I can run the business as successfully as possible.

There is so much uncertainty and doubt on the road ahead, but please always remind me that I only need to trust in You, and everything will turn out great.

I also pray that you keep me humble and always give back all the praises and success my business will have.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Good Luck in my Career

God, please help me surrender this habit of overthinking and believing the worries and doubts inside my head.

I don’t want to be crippled by negative thoughts anymore.

Please give me the courage and confidence to follow your guidance and make the right decisions for my career.

Thank you for allowing me to be in a job I love and am happy doing.

Please don’t let the stress and pressure dampen my excitement and enjoyment of my job.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Good Luck and Good Health

Lord, please bless us with strong and healthy bodies to protect us from diseases.

I pray that you help us choose to eat a healthy and well-balanced meal instead of choosing addictive snacks and beverages.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Bible Verses about Good Luck and Good Fortune

Psalm 84:11

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”

Ephesians 1:3

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Matthew 7:11

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

Psalm 23:6

“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

What does the Bible say about Good Luck?

According to James 1:17, all good things come from God, who works for the good of those who love Him.

This would leave no room to think that our successes and achievements are because of luck.

All our blessings are because of God’s rewards and provisions for those who love Him.

When we trust in God, nothing comes by chance but blessings and outcomes from the Lord. 

Is it Essential to Pray for Good Luck as a Christian?

As Christians, we know that nothing happens by chance; there is a time and reason for everything because we know God is in control.

So, instead of praying for good luck, pray that God helps you trust and depend on Him more.

Ask for patience as you wait for God’s guidance and directions

Always remember that our goals are nothing compared to God’s plans for our lives.

What we think is already the best for us is nothing compared to the best that God has in store for us.

In Summary

All the blessings, such as successes and new opportunities, come into our lives because God intended them.

Although it may seem like they were bestowed on us because of good luck, we Christians must remember that everything has a purpose.

As challenging as it may seem to believe, hoping for good luck to be bestowed upon you could only take you so far. 

So, instead of praying for good luck, pray for God to give you patience as you wait for His guidance and provisions.

Ask for God to teach you to trust in His timing and to remind you of His promises so that you have something to look forward to instead of worrying and overthinking.

Chance can only take you so far, but God will give you the extra step and push toward the end goal He has planned for you.

Alex Shute
Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow.
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