God has authority over everything, even our leaders in the government. As citizens, prayers for our nation and our leaders may fulfill the plans that God has for our country.
Prayer, or the act of praying, is the most powerful weapon God has given us. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray about everything and anything on all occasions. But with restrictions, meaning we do not pray about our enemy’s downfall. Because 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 reminds us to always strive for what is suitable for each one. Verse 16-17 then says always to rejoice and pray without ceasing. In everything we do, God gives thanks because it is His will for us in Christ Jesus.
So, as citizens of our country, we must pray for our nation. We are not entirely helpless; God gave us power through prayer so that we can spread and declare His great power in our country.
Our country and its leaders need our prayers now more than ever. It is tiring, I know, especially when it feels like nothing in the news is considered “good.” But if Jesus told his disciples always to pray and never give up (Luke 18:1), we should as well!
As we go through this article, I hope that it would end with us coming into prayer with a renewed sense of purpose and hope for our country and its leaders.
What is a Prayer for Our Nation?
Prayers for our nation go the same way we pray for ourselves. We pray for thanksgiving and praises for His provisions and protection for our country. We ask that He may continue to give wisdom and discernment to our leaders. Pray that they would be sensitive to God’s movement and calling for our country. Lastly, humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness and repentance of our country’s sins.
In 1 Timothy 2:1-5, all prayers and thanksgiving for all—our nation and its leaders, are pleasing to God.
There are times where we disagree with those in authority. Even so, we still have to pray for them because Romans 13:1 says that God appointed all those in governing authorities. So, when we pray for our country, we acknowledge that God has control over everything.
Bible Verses About Praying for our Nation and our Leaders
You will find many verses in the Bible that urge us to pray for our country and its leaders.
As citizens and believers of Christ, we should submit to the governing authorities. Because Romans 13:1 reminds us that God appointed all those in charge. Although often we do not understand the why’s and how’s, God has a plan for everything and everyone. But until that plan has come true, as His people, we must continue to pray for those He appointed.
We are to pray for peace and prosperity for our country as well (Jeremiah 29:7). Remember, in Matthew 7:7-8, we only need to ask, and God will provide.
Our leaders are to be wise and serve the Lord with fear (Psalm 2:10-11). God has given them that position so that He may use our leaders for His purpose and plans. So as His people and the citizens of our country, we must pray that God gives our leaders wisdom and discernment (Proverbs 2:6). Pray that they put God first and seek His kingdom before anything else (Matthew 6:33). Because God is ruler over all, He is the only one who can exalt our nation and the only one powerful enough to deprive us (Job 12:23-25).
Why Should We Pray for our Nation and our Leaders?

Humility and healing
We should always keep in mind that all our accomplishments and blessings come from God alone. So, there is no reason for us to boast unless it is about God’s grace unto us because humility follows wisdom (Proverbs 11:2), healing, and forgiveness of sin (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The same applies to our nation and its leaders. Their works and decisions that have brought pride to our country are not by their efforts alone. Only through the citizens’ prayers for wisdom and guidance did our leaders make decisions pleasing to God. As God has provided for us in our nation’s time of need, it only fits that we bring back the honor to Him.
Offering repentance for sin
As we humble ourselves and begin our healing, we receive God’s mercy through confessing and repenting for our sins (Proverbs 28:13). Ask for God’s forgiveness and let go of the pain and anger our sins have caused for us to turn our eyes away from Jesus. As we do so, let us also pray that we all return to God’s righteousness (Joel 2:13). Bask in His mercy and grace so that we, too, would be able to convey these traits to our fellow men.
Protection, peace, and provision
As God has promised His people protection, peace, and provision through the stories in the Bible, His promise still rings true today. Trust in His promises and acknowledge that He is always with us. God is with us when we go into battle (Deuteronomy 20:4) and brings us peace that goes beyond our capabilities (Philippians 4:7).
So let us dedicate our prayers for our nation and its leaders, cry out to God on their behalf. Being in their positions of power is not an easy task. Pray that God reminds them there is no need to be afraid, for God is always with His people. Let us pray that God provides them wise counsel, people that have the nation’s best interest at heart. Let us ask for His guidance as well, for our leaders to make decisions that are pleasing to God.
What to Pray for our Nation
As we must pray for our country, at the most, we should ask for God’s mercy. When we ask for God’s mercy, we are laying down our weaknesses and sins as a country and asking for His forgiveness. We acknowledge God’s power over everything and allow His plan for our country to unfold.
Let us ask for God’s justice and restoration over our nation. Give our nation stability so that there will be unity and peace. Set aside our differences and divisions so that we may live together in peace and love that comes from God (2 Corinthians 13:11). And lastly, let us be in awe of God’s presence and grace. Let us strive to learn and apply His teachings so that we may also reach others.
Leaders and the Government
As said in 1 Timothy 2:1-2, pray for our leaders and all those in authority as we have for ourselves. They are human, just like us, and could only do so much. So, we must pray that God gives them wisdom and guidance to make decisions worthy and pleasing to God. This is for all in authority, not only our favorites. The people he has appointed are God’s instruments for His will.
Let us put that energy into praying for wisdom and guidance in all their decisions and plans. Ask for God to protect them and pray that they may be faithful to God’s plan and will for our country. We should also pray that God surrounds our leaders with wise counsel. People who have the same vision and goals. People who strive for the prosperity of our country.
As a church, we must stand united in God, set aside our political differences, and come together in prayer. First, we must pray for God’s guidance so that we may stay true to His message and calling (Ephesians 4:1-3). Let Him fill us with love and unity among all believers.
Pray for our church leaders, pray that their hearts and minds always be towards God’s will. Pray that they may never lose faith in God’s mission and tire of showing us how to love like Christ. Ask that they may receive wisdom and discernment so that our church leaders may direct us towards the path that God has given our church.
Lastly, as citizens, let us pray for forgiveness of our sins and salvation from Jesus Christ. Let us seek God first in everything we do and focus on us and our country. Ask for God to unify His people for the glory of His name. Pray for the strength to set aside our differences and choose to understand rather than judge. Let us strive to show love and compassion in every situation so that others may feel God’s love through us.
How Do We Pray for our Nation?

Pray the Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s prayer is a template of sorts for our prayers. When we pray, we just say things at the top of our heads most of the time. Praying the Lord’s prayer structures and shapes our communication with God. In that sense, we can also apply this for prayers for our nation.
Pray through Scripture
Praying through Scripture is a way for us to declare God’s promises for our nation. We can use many Scriptures for our prayers, some of which are mentioned in this article. We pray through Scripture and declare God’s sovereignty over all, even our country and its leaders. We also acknowledge God’s will for us all and His great love that protects and provides for us.
Ask the Holy Spirit for help
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and discernment if you do not know where to start. Let the Holy Spirit guide you to what our nation needs the most (Romans 8:26). Present your burdens for our country and allow the Holy Spirit to help us express them through prayer.
Pray for the unreached people groups
Pray that God sets our hearts straight and that He uses us to connect with those that need His love. Pray that we build a genuine relationship with them so that they may see God’s work in our lives. Ask for God’s guidance and patience, that we may not rush them but show patience until they are ready to receive Jesus Christ as their savior. Lastly, pray that we stay humble and give everything back to God because He is deserving of our praises.
Pray to the Lord for harvest for our workers
Let us lift our prayers to be thankful, no matter how much or how little our harvest. Let us remain humble and honor God with our harvest. We also pray for our economy to prosper, as well as our relationships with neighboring countries. Please guide our leaders in building healthy business relationships with others. Also, continue to touch our leaders’ hearts, speak to them, and lead them towards the path you want our country to go.
Pray for the persecuted and the persecutors
As it is said in Matthew 5:44-45, we are to love and pray for our enemies and our prosecutors. Being God’s people means that we should set aside our anger and differences so that we may show the world God’s goodness and love. Be the bigger person and try to understand where that person is coming from. We have to learn to forgive and let go (Isaiah 43:18).
Prayers for our Nation

Prayers for Discernment
Discernment describes a wise way of judging between good and evil. A leader who has the gift of wisdom will see through ill intentions and choose a decision for the country’s interest. This is why we need to ask for God to give our leaders the gift of discernment.
Father, we ask that You give our leaders the gift of discernment. Please look after them and guide them through the decisions they will be making now and in the future. Please provide them with the desire to read Your Word so that they may be more sensitive to Your voice and callings. Please show them Your plans for our country, lead them to the path they must take, and prepare them for the challenges ahead.
Prayers for Wisdom
Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. Our leaders have to constantly make decisions that could be either be good or bad for the country. This is why we need to pray that God gives them the wisdom to make the right choices (James 1:5). Pray that our leaders seek God and His plans first, before anything else.
Father, we ask that You bless our leaders with wisdom. Let their hearts be open and sensitive to Your calling and advice. Help them choose the people they surround themselves with, people with the same vision and a heart that yearns for Your kingdom. Please help them heed your warnings and turn away from temptations. Give them the strength to stay firm with their beliefs and decisions.
Prayers for Wise Counselors
Even with God’s guidance, the burden our leaders would have to carry is too much for one person. So, we must also ask God for wise counselors to surround our leaders. Pray for God to guide our leaders to choose counselors that strive for the good of all.
Lord, we ask that You surround our leaders with wise counselors. Help them choose which voices and opinions they will consider, and please give them discernment to decide if those choices came from You. We pray that our leader’s advisors also be sensitive to Your plans and calling. May the people you have appointed seek for Your mercy and grace. May they have the strength to banish all temptation and remove those that are against Your plans.
We will continue to offer our praises and thanksgiving to you, Lord, for we would not be where we are without your guidance. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
In Summary
As citizens, we must pray for our nation. God loves us all, believers and non-believers alike, that He sent Jesus Christ as a way for us to be with Him for eternity (John 3:16). Prayers are one way for us to reach other people and fulfill God’s will.
As we open our hearts in prayer, let us humbly ask for God’s forgiveness for the sins of our country. Let God’s healing and mercies fill us so that we may live holy and godly lives. Let’s also pray for His protection, peace, and provision for our country. Please bless our leaders with wisdom and discernment to choose Your will above all else.