12 Short Prayers to Give Hope Daily

Short prayers serve as a gateway to God, an answer to specific questions, or a moment of quiet reflection.

I used to think short prayers weren’t more powerful than long ones.

I would pressure myself to say long sentences, hoping it would mean more to the Lord.

Prayers are conversations with God where we can come to Him fully, with all our deepest emotions and thoughts. 

In this light, I now know that prayers do not have to be kilometric.

Short prayers are equally powerful and effective.

We can say short prayers as our go-to in communicating with our Heavenly Father.

What are Short Prayers?

Short prayers contain a few words or sentences about what we want to communicate to God.

These are often conversations we have with Him during our day.

Saying short and impactful prayers throughout the day allows us to connect to Him immediately (Matthew 6:7).

Through these short prayers, we are able to lift our need for His grace and love immediately and concisely.

Significance of Short Prayers

Short prayers are commonly overlooked despite their significance.

Prayer is a spiritual discipline we, as Christians, should practice daily.

But since we are so busy, prayer often takes a back seat.

Such a reason is why short prayers are helpful and can spell the difference in our spiritual growth.

Most often, short prayers are prayers we create through our own words, no matter how brief.

For this reason, they are deeply personal to us.

Saying short prayers helps us stay grounded and strong in the faith throughout the day.

Short prayers serve as a gateway to God, an answer to specific questions, or a moment of quiet reflection. 

Praying short prayers, no matter how simple, like: “I’m here, God, and I believe in Your power,” can be all it takes to get us through difficult moments.

As a Christian, you may feel that short prayers won’t cut it, as I previously thought.

But I’m here to remind you that short prayers to God can change your spiritual outlook and how you approach each moment.

Famous Short Prayers

Serenity prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time;

accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;

trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;

that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next.


The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours now and forever. Amen.

12 Short Prayers to Pray Daily

For blessings and God’s provision

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will bless me and show me how to live a life for you.

Give me the fortitude, insight, and bravery to overcome the difficulties that life throws at me.

I pray for abundant love, support, gladness, and success in all my endeavors.

May your strength and sustenance cover me today and every day.

I pray these in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

For thanksgiving

Faithful Father, I thank You foremost for the gift of eternal life through Jesus’s sacrifice.

Thank You that I can come to You anytime.

My heart is filled with gratitude for the many ways You are good and faithful to me, even when I am not faithful to You.

Without You, Lord, I am lost and imprisoned by fear and sin.

Thank You for the grace You alone can give.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

For when you feel unworthy and inadequate

Lord, You created me in Your likeness and image.

I know that You are a God with masterful hands and that nothing that comes from you is evil and ugly.

Your grace has saved me, and I know You have chosen me as Your child.

Please provide me the strength to turn my eyes away from things and people and onto You alone when I feel insecure and unworthy.

Give me the grace and conviction to anchor my worth and identity on Jesus.

I pray this in the beautiful name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

For anxiety and fear

Dear God, I feel anxious and fearful of many things around me.

May I be led to a place of peace and faith in You.

Please, Lord, help me to find security and assurance in Your love.

Release me from the anxieties and fears that imprison and paralyze me.

I pray for Your strength to face the coming days with courage and gratitude.

In the name of Jesus,

I pray all these. Amen.

For strength and hope in difficult times

God, I pray that you would empower me to bravely confront adversity and have the faith to see it through with Your strength and power.

I am grateful that I do not need to overcome these in my own strength.

Be with me through these difficult times and strengthen me with Your mercy and love.

Afford me the wisdom and courage in every hard decision I need to make.

Help me never to give up, as You have never given up on me.


For relationships

Dearest God, I am grateful for the wonderful friends and family You surround me with.

I pray that as I keep You at the center of every relationship in my life, You will protect them.

Teach me to be a good partner, family member, and friend.

May Your love overflow in my life and water the relationships I have.

Thank You for Your love, which teaches me how to love the people You brought into my life.


For protection

Lord, I ask that You watch over me and lead me as I face the challenges of today.

Shield me and my family from harm.

Provide me the strength to say no to temptation.

Sharpen my discernment and wisdom to look upon You and not be an instrument of the enemy for evil, in Jesus’ Name.


For healing of the sick

Dear God, I implore you to mend my weak and broken body.

May Your love and healing envelop and heal me.

I also lift the people I love who are struggling with illness and suffering.

Help us endure, and may our pain not be in vain as we look to You for restoration.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Before sleeping at night

Lord, thank You for the day that was.

As I sleep tonight, I thank You for affording me the strength to end this day with a content heart.

Thank You for protecting me and my family.

Thank You for the opportunities that You gave me throughout this day.

I rest easy tonight, for I know You are a God who does not tire or slumber.

You afford restful sleep to those You love.

May tonight’s rest prepare me for another day of good work.

May You allow me to open my eyes to a tomorrow filled with Your love and grace.


Before going to work

Lord, thank You for the job that provides for me and my family’s needs.

I pray that You bless my efforts today.

Please enable me to make the most of my abilities and perform at my best, radiating Christ’s light on the excellence of my work.

Help me concentrate and muster the energy to finish my tasks.

Help me not be paralyzed by worries and stress.

Keep an eye on my coworkers, ensure we are all safe, and pull together as a team.

I ask for Your favor upon my hard work and efforts.

May all this hard work, by your grace, make a difference.


For a more intimate relationship with God

Loving and Gracious Father, I yearn for a more intimate relationship with You.

I long to feel Your presence in every moment.

Search me, and grant me a repentant heart to let go of the things that prevent me from having a deeper relationship with You.

I beg You, Lord, to help me seek You wholeheartedly, to put aside my cares and fears, and to make time for You as my priority.

Lord, please bring me into a deeper relationship with You and show me who You are in fresh and exciting ways. Amen.

To love Jesus more

Dear God, many people have come and gone from my heart, but I remain steadfast in the truth that You are profound and eternal love.

Father, in Christ Jesus, You have shown Your immense love for me.

May I never forget Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross and what it meant for my life.

May You grant me a humble heart that loves You more than anything and anyone in this world.

Teach me how to love You.

Teach me how to be a faithful follower of Jesus.


Final Thoughts

Short prayers may help refresh your relationship with God.

When you are overcome with the busyness and hustle of life, short prayers can be the respite between your days.

You may still think that if your prayers are long, God will favor them and you more.

But more than the length of prayers, God sees your heart, faith, and sincerity.

A short prayer with the humblest and sincerest heart trumps a kilometric prayer that is insincere and filled with pride.

May these short prayers usher you into a renewed prayer life!

Alex Shute
Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow.
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