Say your spiritual warfare prayers for marriage, follow up with acts of kindness, and always keep a forgiving heart toward your spouse.
There is not one perfect marriage.
We are humans and inclined to sin.
But this is not an excuse to take our union for granted and use this reasoning for every mistake we make.
Despite our imperfections, we must always strive to keep our marriage by asking for God’s protection and guidance.
What are Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Marriage
In Genesis 2:23-24, Adam said,
“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman because she was taken out of Man.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
For Christians, matrimony is a sacred undertaking, which is why our vows are made before the altar.
We sanctify this union with the Lord as our witness and guard it with our spirit.
We take Matthew 16:19 to heart with Jesus saying,
“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
When God is at the center of our marriage or any relationship for that matter, we will surely have fruitful relations.
We may encounter temptations occasionally, but God will grant us the strength we need through prayers for marriage.
We can find inspiration in the scriptures when saying spiritual warfare prayers for marriage or letting our good intentions and genuine love for our spouse flow through.
Either way, we must consider the purity of Jesus Christ’s marriage and the Church as a role model for our own.
What the Scriptures say about marriage
There are countless verses about marriage, but Ephesians 5:22-33 summarizes them best.
These Bible verses speak about how husbands and wives must treat and regard each other with utmost love and respect, keeping in mind the marriage between Jesus Christ and the Church.
Each has a specific role in the marriage, but they are expected to work as a team since they complement each other.
The best advice that can be taken from this, probably, is that in every conflict, the couple is meant to work things out as a team.
This should remind them to fight together against a common enemy instead of each other.
How prayers can help marriage
Marriage is often compared to the relationship between Jesus and the Church.
For this reason, it is considered a divine union blessed by God.
The devil will do everything in its power to destroy marriages to upset God.
He will send all sorts of trouble that will make the couple turn away from each other and want to break their vows.
When we turn to God, we signal that we intend to preserve the marriage and choose to remain faithful to our spouse.
We can strive to save our relationship through constant and effective communication and showing respect and empathy to our partners, even amid anger.
But these things don’t come easy, especially when our minds are clouded with pain and resentment.
This is where we ask God for wisdom and grace to keep an open mind and be understanding and forgiving toward our spouse.
How to Say Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Marriage
Remember that your husband or wife is your life partner.
You are meant to fight side by side against spiritual attacks on your marriage.
When you pray for your relationship, ask God for a patient and forgiving heart.
Pray that you will overcome anything and everything that the devil may send your way.
Love and patience
Love should be the reason for a couple to decide to get married, not for convenience or anything else.
If a marriage is not founded on love, it is not bound to stand against spiritual attacks.
Ask God to bless you with genuine love, like His unconditional love for us.
Also, pray for patience—lots of it.
Remember that you and your spouse are two imperfect persons with different upbringings.
You will disagree on many things on most days.
So pray to God that He may bless you with patience as you and your partner learn and grow together.
Everyone is a work in progress, so be kind to each other.
Heart of service
Once you are married, it isn’t just about you anymore.
Sometimes, you will set aside your comfort for the sake of your spouse, and that is okay but sometimes necessary.
Whatever hurts you hurts your partner.
You find happiness in whatever makes your partner happy.
This is because you are considered as a single unit.
Pray to God that you may never grow tired of loving and serving your partner.
Pray that we may live according to Jesus’ teaching to love our spouse just as much as we love ourselves.
Also, pray that we may always see the good that our spouses do for us and always find the opportunity to show our appreciation to them.
Honor Marital Fidelity
Ask God to keep you faithful to each other and your vows just as God has been faithful to His people.
As long as we set Jesus and the Church as our benchmark for an ideal marriage, we give honor to it.
Put God in the center of your relationship.
Ask God for the spiritual strength to resist the temptation that would cause you to engage in infidelity.
The Spirit of Anger
Anger that leads to resentment and disrespect is a major threat to marriage.
Anger could lead one to act or decide on an impulse that could destroy a marriage.
Ask the Lord for a calm and forgiving heart to avoid such circumstances.
Pray for enlightenment so that we may think things through before the chance to do something we might regret.
Protection against evil intrusion
The devil works hard to destroy divine unions to make God unhappy.
He will give couples many reasons to leave their partner or be unfaithful to their promise.
So pray to God that He may grant His protection against evil forces.
Ask that He give us eyes to see these forces in whichever form they take so that we may avert from them before they could create any damage.
Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Marriage
The Bible can provide much-needed inspiration for battling spiritual attacks on one’s marriage.
We crafted spiritual warfare prayers to help you out.
Protection against spiritual attacks
Almighty Father, we are eternally thankful for Your gift of life and love.
We ask for Your protection to preserve the marriage You have blessed us with.
Cover me and my spouse with Your loving mercy and protect us from attacks that may come upon our union.
Give us the strength to fight against evil in all its forms so that we may honor You with a fruitful and righteous marriage.
For marriage to focus on God
Loving Father, we give honor and praise to You.
Please send us Your Holy Spirit so that we may have the wisdom and grace to put You in the center of our marriage.
Give us the eyes to see You in each other, and keep us faithful to You and our vows.
May we never allow the desire of the flesh to take Jesus’ place.
Prayer to be equally yoked
Almighty God, we praise You and give You thanks.
Bless us in our marriage, and keep us faithful to You.
We pray that our faith continues flourishing as we grow together as husband and wife.
We pray that You keep us equally yoked.
If not, may we be steadfast in our love and be the support that the other needs.
Prayer over you and your children
O Maker of all that is good and right, may Your love and mercy reign over this family.
Keep me, my spouse, and our children close to You.
Grant us wisdom so that we may raise our children in a godly manner as a way to give honor and praise to You.
Watch over us always and cover us in Your love and protection.
We ask these in Jesus’ name.
Prayer for unity
Heavenly Father, I am grateful for the person You have blessed me with.
Today, I seek Your guidance and protection as we try to preserve what You have bound in heaven.
Help us to find ways to keep our relationship strong and not be quick to throw away this beautiful gift that You have given us.
With this, I lift our marriage, vows, and conflicts to You.
Why We Need Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Marriage
2 Corinthians 10:3-4 reminds us,
“For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”
This verse tells us that although we can try to salvage what we can with our limited human capacity, we need God’s power.
There are forces in this world that we cannot fight alone, and the same goes for marriage.
Divorce and annulment have been commonplace.
We have devised solutions like couples counseling and whatnot, but the statistics don’t seem to improve.
This is because couples are under spiritual warfare, something that cannot be resolved by humans alone.
Through our spiritual warfare prayers for marriage, God will equip us with the wisdom, divine weapons, and armor we need to safeguard our union.
In Summary
A common marriage is made up of a husband and a wife.
But a godly marriage is comprised of a couple with God in the center of it.
This reminds us that we were not meant to face the world alone.
When the going gets tough, all we need to do is kneel before the Lord and ask for His guidance and protection.
God was a witness to your promise to each other, and He bound that promise in heaven.
Whatever problems you have, God is as much involved as you and your spouse.
Knowing this, and having the marriage of Jesus and the Church as our inspiration, spiritual warfare is as good as won.