Stories of Faith in the Bible encourage us to keep our faith and trust in God despite our hardships and struggles.
The Bible is filled with stories of people who have gone through the most extreme situations, yet because of their faith in God, they emerged unscathed.
These stories are an excellent reminder to remain faithful because God has the power to enable us to do the impossible.
Here are some of the stories of faith in the Bible to help you in all kinds of trouble.
What are Stories of Faith in the Bible About?
The Bible contains stories of faith about men and women who have overcome the impossible through their unwavering faith in God.
These stories perfectly demonstrate God’s power and goodness to those who are faithful to Him.
What does the Bible say about faith?
According to Hebrews 11:1-3,
“Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
This is what the ancients were commended for.
By faith, we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Faith is when we firmly believe God has a more excellent plan when the world thinks it’s hopeless.
Faith is more than knowledge; it drives us to action.
Our faith calls us to seek God and know him more.
Popular Stories of Faith in the Bible
Great Faith
David and Goliath
The story of David and Goliath is a staple at Sunday schools, and with good reason.
It is an empowering story for kids and adults that nothing is impossible as long as we have faith in God.
And there isn’t an example more perfect than David defeating the Philistines’ champion, Goliath.
The story begins with a forty-day war between the Israelites and the Philistines.
Then, one day, Goliath came forth and demanded that the Israelites choose a man and have him fight Goliath.
If they can defeat him, the Philistines will become the subjects of the Israelites, and vice versa (1 Samuel 17:8-10).
Seems easy enough, right?
However, instead of rising to the challenge, the soldiers of Israel cowered in fear, for Goliath wasn’t just any ordinary man; he was a giant.
Standing at six cubits and a span (or nine feet and nine inches), Goliath towered over every man on that battlefield.
He also wore bronze armor.
The giant continued to taunt the Israelites day and night until David finally showed up.
While he was on an errand for his father, David discovered that Goliath had been insulting and terrorizing the people of Israel.
Despite his older brother Eliab telling him to return to the wilderness, David was defiant and determined to fight Goliath (1 Samuel 17:32).
David’s great faith in God is exhibited through his choice to forgo the armor and sword Saul gave him.
Instead, David took his staff, five smooth stones, and a sling into battle against Goliath (1 Samuel 17:38-40).
Armed with a sling he has used to kill bears and lions while tending to his father’s flock, he responds with conviction and confidence against Goliath’s taunt (1 Samuel 17:45:47).
David’s faith in the power of his God won him the battle against Goliath and many more in the future.
While the people around him were easily discouraged, David stood courageous and firm in God’s power.
His God was more significant than the Philistine giant.
Strong Faith
Though Daniel prayed earnestly and was favored by government officials, he was still placed in a situation such as being thrown in the lion’s den for praying to God no less.
Daniel did nothing wrong, yet because of the jealousy of other people, his faith in God was tested.
Even so, Daniel stayed faithful to God and continued praying (Daniel 6:10-11).
And because Daniel had remained faithful even when he was inside the den, God kept him safe throughout his time with the lions (Daniel 6:21-22).
Like Daniel, our faithfulness to God will be tested.
And following Daniel’s example, do not waver and trust in God’s leading because He will always keep us safe.
When we remain faithful, we are letting God be in control, so we don’t need to worry.
God will reward our unwavering faithfulness at the end of our struggles.
Radical Faith
Growing up as a child in a Christian home, I’m confident that most of us have seen or heard of the animated movie The Prince of Egypt.
Like the film had portrayed, Moses’ life did not begin as it usually would like the rest of us.
Due to a harsh decree from the Pharaoh of Egypt, his mother was forced to place Moses in a basket on the river in hopes of sparing his life (Exodus 1:22; 2:3).
God indeed had a plan for Moses’ life because instead of leaving him to die, the Pharaoh’s daughter felt sorry for Moses and took him in despite knowing he was a Hebrew (Exodus 2:5-6).
Moses then grew up among the Pharaoh’s family in the palace; however, deep in his heart, he wasn’t one of them.
One day, Moses went out and saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew.
Without a second thought, he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand (Exodus 2:11-12).
The Pharaoh was displeased and tried to kill Moses.
Fortunately, he was able to flee from Egypt.
Moses lived in Midian before God spoke to him through a burning bush to send him back to Egypt to bring the Israelites to the promised land (Exodus 3:1-10).
Like how we would respond, Moses asked God to send someone “more capable” to do the task.
We avoid what isn’t in our comfort zone and often forget that God is with us and will equip us for the journey ahead.
Moses did not see himself as a worthy leader to take God’s people out of Egypt.
However, due to his radical faith, he gained courage, stood firm against the Pharaoh, and succeeded in bringing the Israelites out of Egypt.
Blind Faith
Esther had a right to be afraid.
Though she was a queen and the wife of King Ahasuerus, she couldn’t just enter the king’s presence without an invitation, or else she could get killed.
However, Esther had to warn the King of Haman’s plot to eliminate her people, the Jews.
Her uncle, Mordecai, urged Esther to seek an audience with the king, to which she reiterates that anyone who approaches the king without being summoned will be put to death (Esther 4:10-11).
Yet her uncle was determined to get Esther to warn the king.
Mordecai reminded Esther that she was a Jew before she was a queen.
With her position at this time, now is the time to act and use that privilege to help her people (Esther 4:14).
Without wasting another second, Esther asks Mordecai to gather all the Jews in Susa to fast for her (Esther 4:16).
Esther was still afraid, but her faith in God was more significant.
Though she did not know how it would turn out, she trusted God to control the situation.
And God did!
On the third day, Esther stood in front of the king’s hall.
The king was pleased to see Esther and asked her what she requested (Esther 5:1-3).
Do you see?
Like Esther, if our fear gets the best of us, we will miss out on the opportunity God has prepared for us.
Faith Healing
The woman with the issue of blood
Though the woman had been suffering from a bleeding disorder for twelve years, she did not think of herself as a lost cause.
When she heard that Jesus was near, the woman came up behind Jesus and touched His cloak, and she was free from her suffering (Mark 5:27-29).
She didn’t utter a word to Jesus.
Her faith and firm belief that Jesus would heal her sickness were more than enough (Mark 5:28; 5:34).
There was no doubt in the woman’s mind that Jesus would heal her.
It was because of her faith that she was healed.
Significance of Knowing About Stories of Faith in the Bible
To remind us that faith pleases God
Hebrews 11:6 says that our faith in God allows us to please Him.
When we fully trust God’s plans and ways, we acknowledge and let God take control.
Our firm belief in Christ calls us to seek Him and know Him more.
The closer we are to God, the more we know how to please Him.
To teach us that we can do the impossible.
David wouldn’t have defeated Goliath if he hadn’t believed that God was more significant than the giant.
Esther wouldn’t have found the courage to stand in front of the king if she had not believed God was in control.
Our faith in God’s plan for us pushes us out of our comfort zones and gives us the strength to do the impossible.
To empower us to obey God in the most challenging situations
God wouldn’t put us in a difficult situation without properly equipping us first.
When we believe in God, we trust Him and obey His every command and leading.
Our faith reassures us that God is in control and that He wouldn’t place us in a situation that we cannot handle.
In Summary
Reading and studying the stories of faith in the Bible brings us reassurance and comfort.
God kept Daniel safe when he was thrown into the lion’s den.
He was with Esther when she sought an audience with the king, even without permission.
David defeated Goliath with a sling and five smooth stones, and Moses safely delivered the Israelites from Egypt.
They remained faithful despite the impossible.
What’s stopping us from doing the same?
If they could hold onto God’s promise and lead, we can too!