15 Prayers for Healing that Bring Comfort and Strength

Find comfort and strength through prayers for healing.

With powerful words of hope and faith, pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

The Bible instructs us to pray to God for healing so that we may be rewarded with health and strength to endure whatever suffering we may experience.

Whenever we are ill or discouraged, may we turn to God for solace, trusting that He will lift our spirits and bodies.

With the help of these prayers, we can discover the power of prayers for healing.

What are Prayers for Healing?

Prayers for healing are to heal those physically sick and those battling spiritual, mental, and emotional ailments.

They also remind us that we have a mighty God who can handle whatever we are going through.

These prayers help us shift our focus from the burden and worries of sickness to the power of Jehovah Rapha, our Lord who heals (Exodus 15:26).

Why do We Need Prayers for Healing?

In His Word, God assures us that when we pray for healing, He will answer our petitions and use us to accomplish miraculous things for His glory.

Using this prayer for healing means you are coming to God with a heart open to receiving God’s grace and power through the Holy Spirit.

If you seek God’s will for your life, His plan to bless you and offer you a future and hope will be fulfilled.

I pray that you and those you pray for will experience miraculous healing.

Praying for Healing According to the Bible

God is concerned about our entire being – body, soul, and spirit.

We can see this in Jeremiah 17:14, where we hear the cry,

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed,” and in Jeremiah 30:17, where we hear God say,

“I will restore your health; I will heal your wounds.”

He is aware of our needs and is concerned whether they are spiritual, emotional, or physical.

More so, He is willing to comfort, heal, and help us recover as we surrender to His power, will, and purpose.

5 Bible Verses to Inspire Prayers for Healing

Isaiah 53:5

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds, we are healed.”

We as humans need spiritual healing much more than we need bodily healing.

We become “born again” when we accept God’s pardon and find redemption in Jesus Christ, at which point we are made whole. 

Psalm 30:2

“Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.”

Among our most urgent prayers is one of the cries for healing.

We can seek healing from the Almighty Physician, Jesus Christ, when suffering.

God can improve us whether we request help for our physical or spiritual needs.

This is a verse in the Bible that we can use in our prayers for healing. 

Matthew 8:8

“The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof.

But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.”

Jesus Christ prayed for the healing of many people while He was on earth, and many of them were miraculously cured.

He is the same God we pray to today when we or someone we know gets sick.

We have hope He can do the same miraculous healing to us or whoever we pray for. 

Mark 5:34

“He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.

Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

The Bible also says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith, it is impossible to please God.

When we pray in faith, we can hope that God has already granted the healing we requested for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). 

James 5:15-16

“And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them.

If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.

Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

This verse from James reminds us that even today, the Lord still pours out His anointing when we offer prayers of healing for ourselves or our sick friends and loved ones. 

How to Pray for Healing

Our Heavenly Father wants us to be whole and come to Him for healing.

He intends for us to be complete, not just in mind and heart but in the body.

Remember that the Bible’s overarching theme is the restoration of the Garden of Eden.

It’s a return to a simpler time when Adam and Eve didn’t have to deal with anxiety, back pain, or a crick in the neck.

We see God’s invitation to show off His power and might through the healing of the sick.

10 Comforting Prayers for Healing

Here are ten comforting prayers for healing that you might find helpful when praying for the sick

Prayer for Personal Healing

God, you know me, for You are the one who created me.

You know how many hairs I have on my head, and you even know what I think before I say it.

You told us to come to You for anything we need and will not turn us away.

And You are Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals, and You decide my fate, including how long I will live and serve You on earth.

I’m coming to You as your child today because I want to hear from You, and I need your divine healing.

I don’t know many things about life, but I know that You can make me whole with just one touch or word.

Please forgive me for my wickedness, wash me clean of my wrongdoing, and start your inner healing in me. 

I don’t always know Your will, Lord, especially when I desperately try to find You, like today.

I’m unwilling to make any deals or promises in exchange for my health.

I just want to bow my head before You and tell You what I want: to spend as many years as I can loving You here, loving other people, and trying to be more like You.

How You decide to do that is up to You, and I’m fine with it.

If it is Your will to heal me, I pray that You would give my doctors the knowledge they need to know what to do.

The healing You do is always miraculous, no matter how You do it.

You deserve all the honor, glory, and praise.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. 

Prayer for Healing Sick Family Members or Loved Ones

God, please think about our sick loved ones.

They are now in your care.

Help them feel better while he’s sick on his bed.

We beg for them to be saved and believe that if the Lord wants to heal them, nothing is too hard for Him.

In Your loving name, we ask that You take care of our loved ones, give them new strength, and fix what’s ailing them.

We thank You, Lord, Amen. 

Prayer for Healing Sick Friends

Lord, You know [friend or relative] better than I do.

You’re aware of their illness and pain.

You know their heart, too.

Please be with my friend while You work in their life.

Lord, grant my friend Your will.

Please guide them in confessing and asking for forgiveness if they have sinned.

Lord, I pray for healing for my friend as your Word instructs.

I believe You hear my heartfelt prayer and that Your promise makes it powerful.

Lord, I believe in Your divine healing power and good and perfect plan for my friend’s life.

I may not always understand your purposes, and I don’t know why my friend struggles, but I trust you.

Please be merciful to them.

In their pain, console them and feed their spirit.

Let them know You’re with them through this and that You are supporting them.

May You be exalted in their life through this challenge. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Miraculous Healing

Lord Jesus, I come to You once more pleading for Your intervention in my life.

I believe with all of my heart in what the Bible says: You are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

You are the God who works wonders, and I ask You to perform a miracle on me. 

Heal me from the inside out.

Deliver me from my inclination toward anxiety and worry.

Help me visualize what a whole, healed me will look like so that I can persevere to be that person with zeal and determination.

Lord, take my efforts and multiply them.

My spirit eagerly awaits you to do what only You can do. Lord, I adore You. Amen.

Prayer for Inner and Emotional Healing

Lord, my whole world has fallen apart, and I feel like I’m living in a deep, dark hole.

Today, I surrender completely to You.

I’m desperate for You, for I am powerless and frightened.

Lord, please take me out of these depths and show me the way into Your light

Today, I admit that I occasionally pick at emotional wounds.

I go over what happened and how it transpired, and I no longer want to have these thoughts.

I wish to rise from my fervent hopelessness and move in freedom.

Today, I forgive those who wronged me and will no longer hold them for their offense.

I also receive your mercy for my sin of _________ and resolve not to live in guilt and shame in the future.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Spiritual Healing

Dear God, I know that believing in You is the initial step in complete spiritual healing.

Today, I choose to believe. I open my heart, mind, and spirit to Your limitless power and ability.

Forgive me for occasionally seeking Your assistance only after I have spent all other possibilities dealing with the matter on my own.

Please give me the peace I can only find in You in my challenging situations.

Please heal my spirit and let me see You operating in and through me.

Thank You, Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Healing the Broken Hearted

Please, Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, restore joy to my heart.

What happened took away my happiness, but I have moved on and forgiven those who wronged me.

I pray for You to heal my broken heart now, Father.

I pray to once again feel the joy of Your salvation.

Give me strength from Your goodwill.

Lord, please give me courage and strength.

Refresh my spirit and set me to dancing with joy again.

I know that Your will for me is to have a joyful spirit, and I pray for You to please help me.

Help me to rejoice in You always. I thank You, Father God, for listening to and answering my supplication.

I pray for all this in the beautiful name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for Healing from Anxiety and Depression

I come to you now, Lord, with a heavy heart and a weak body.

Also, I cannot carry the weight of these raging thoughts and emotions alone.

I pray against the enemy trying to steal my joy, kill my spirit, and destroy my relationship with You.

Help and guide me in remaining strong in You, Lord.

Strengthen my tired heart and spirit and remind me that this pain and restlessness will not remain forever.

Help me believe that these dark days will be over soon. 

Father, fill me with Your gladness, peace, and courage.

Restore my soul and release me from the prison and chains of fear and worry.

I trust You and know You can take away all these false burdens, and I know I’m not a prisoner of my fear.

I can rest under the shadow of Your wings and rise and be victorious thanks to Your unfailing power.

This I declare in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Healing a Struggling Relationship

Lord, my relationship with _____ is challenging.

I pray for You to give me the understanding I need to love well.

You protect me, and You are my shield.

Show me how to set limits in our relationship and when and where to do it.

I believe You can heal me, and I trust that You will keep my heart and mind safe.

I pray for clear instructions from You on how to talk to him.

My prayer is I want to love him with a clean heart, a clear mind, and strong faith. (1 Tim. 1:5)

I forgive him for hurting me, and please forgive me for my sins against the person and You.

Help me love ____ with fearlessness.

Fill me with Your truth and cause me to speak the truth with love and without fear.

Let Your perfect love end all my worries about our relationship.

I give up my ideas about what our relationship should be like.

Please change it so that it shows respect for You and glorifies and blesses Your name.

I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Healing and Deliverance

You heal with just Your Word.

When I cry out to you, you save me from my ruin and the sin I am entangled in.

Oh Lord, I’m crying out to You right now.

Only You can deliver and heal me.

Bring me to the haven of stability and safety that can only be encountered in Your Majesty and Holiness.

I praise You wholeheartedly, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

In Summary

Healing can sometimes seem impossible and out of grasp.

But God, in His power and majesty, reminds us that He is always a way-maker and our light in the darkness.

He makes all things possible no matter what our circumstances dictate.

Hopefully, through these prayers for healing, you will encounter God’s miraculous power to heal, comfort, and strengthen.

Know and believe that you are not alone and that God wants to care for you.

He wants to heal you and restore you to total health and joy.

Come to Him today, and let Him fill you with His love, peace, and comfort. 

Alex Shute
Alex is a family man and entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow.
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