Learn how to cope, find strength, and keep the faith through several Bible verses for the sick and dying.
Sickness and death are two realities in this temporal world.
The prospect of sickness and death is something we humans cannot escape.
They are constant threats that knock on our doors, but the good news is, as children of the Divine Healer, we need not fear.
The word of the Lord is a free gift imparted to us, bringing hope, peace, and strength that material things no one can give.
We can always find comfort in the fact that the One who brought Lazarus back to life and healed many diseases walks with us.
What are Bible Verses for the Sick and Dying?
The Bible contains a myriad of verses that tell us how to deal with sickness and death.
There are verses meant to comfort the sick and the dying, comfort those in hospice, and heal and recover.
In all these, we are reminded of the Living Word of God.
Even though we walk through the shadow of sickness or death,
His power remains paramount.
Neither death nor sickness can separate us from the love He has for us.
Philippians 1:21 says, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
This tells of a biblical and Christian view on sickness and death.
For Christians, death is a homecoming to God in heaven, not an end.
Meanwhile, sickness is not something to blame God for but a chance to trust in the Holy Name of the Lord more.
The Bible verses for the sick and dying have one central theme:
We are not to let our hearts be troubled but to keep our faith—to trust.
What are Spiritual Sickness and Death?
We can be physically fit and far from death, yet our spirit isn’t.
Spiritual sickness is a term coined for someone who has a disease called a weakened spirit primarily caused by sin.
Those who are spiritually sick live a life without Jesus and do not acknowledge that He is Lord forever.
Among the symptoms of being spiritually sick include being constantly afraid, doubting the Lord’s sovereignty, seclusion from the Christian life, losing hope, and being bound in sin.
According to the Bible, Jeremiah 3:22 speaks of a cure for spiritual sickness –
“Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding.”
The only cure for spiritual sickness and the key to avoiding spiritual death can be summarized in a six-letter word: Repent.
Repentance is the means through which we can be set free from our sins and receive forgiveness.
Sins stifle and even halt our spiritual growth.
Repentance allows us to grow and develop spiritually once more.
The privilege of repentance is made available through the atonement of Christ Jesus our Lord.
According to the concept of original sin, everyone is born with a sinful nature, which leads to sin and, eventually, spiritual death.
However, those who believe in Christ Jesus can be made spiritually alive.
Spiritual death, or the separation from Christ’s Holy Spirit, becomes imminent to those who continue on the path of sin.
Bible Verses for the Sick and Dying
Bible Verses for the Sick
We are prone to sickness and pain.
A challenge that may weaken not only our bodies but our faith as well.
Thankfully, nothing can separate us from the love of our Lord God, which is emphasized in these Bible verses for the sick.
Jeremiah 33:6
“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it;
I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”
This Bible verse is a reminder that God heals.
It assures that there will not only be healing but also peace and security.
Our peace comes from the knowledge that even in the darkest valley, we will never walk alone.
Our bodies may fail us, but God is known for His unfailing love that even the rarest of diseases cannot hinder.
Hospitals, doctors, and other worldly means of cure cannot bring them the peace and assurance God promises.
There will always be a void in our lives that only Jesus can fill.
The central message of the verse is that God heals.
A kind of healing that this world cannot provide.
The healing that goes beyond our physical sickness.
The healing that makes us whole can only come from our Divine Healer, Christ Jesus our Lord.
Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
The devil uses sickness to make us feel afraid, causing us to doubt the power of the Lord.
In other words, physical sickness does not only attack the body but the spiritual faith as well.
The uncertainties may overwhelm us, but how comforting it is to be told by the author of salvation, Jesus Christ, to fear not.
On our own, our strength will fail us, our natural body will weaken, and pain will creep on us in many forms.
But we find rest in Christ’s promise of strength, which is made perfect for our weakness.
God strengthens.
In Isaiah 41:10, He encourages and reassures us not to be scared of any difficulties or sickness we find ourselves in but to believe in Him, and He will give us the power to conquer.
The Lord has made this promise to His children as He is more than enough.
All God asks of us is that we trust Him and follow His instructions.
2 Kings 20:5
“This is what the Lord, the God of your father David, says:
I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you.”
The tears we shed and our prayers are never in vain.
God not only hears but also answers.
His answers are not always the way we wanted them to be, but they are way better than what we asked for.
His healing comes in many forms, which sometimes our own understanding cannot fathom.
This verse revolves around the message that Jesus hears from heaven and that we should trust.
Trusting and being patient in waiting for God’s answers can be very hard at times, but the Jesus Christ who promised is ever faithful—yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The Lord sees our sufferings and toil; He knows every pain.
In moments when we feel our sickness is getting the best of us, let us be reminded of Job.
While we may not always understand why we are suffering, we can bring our grief and pain to Christ and trust that He knows what He is doing.
Regardless of our circumstances, the book of Job encourages us to trust God’s knowledge and character – to keep the faith and pray for the Lord to hear.
Jeremiah 30:17
“For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds.”
Want to know what’s the best thing about this?
It is that the wounds Jesus will heal won’t only be superficial ones.
He will also heal the wounds the naked eye cannot see: our brokenheartedness, our spiritual wounds, and our unclean spirits.
When the Lord restores, He does so brilliantly and generously.
Without a doubt, we will come out stronger in faith and many times better than we were before through His divine wisdom as He said,
“For your ways are not my ways, and your thoughts are not my thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8
Bible Verses for the Dying Person
To die is a given. Many of us, especially the unbelievers, are afraid of facing death.
Dealing with death can bring us closer to the Lord.
However, it can likewise make us doubt His plan.
Below are Bible verses to help cope with dying.
Psalm 23:4
“Yea, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.”
Neither death nor life can come between us and the Living God.
There is no reason to be afraid even in facing death.
Death was defeated when Jesus died and rose on the third day.
Even in adversity, those who believe in God receive His protective care.
No shepherd would want to see his flock harmed.
That being said, our Shepherd, God himself, our portion forever, even beyond death, would walk with us.
There is comfort and strength in knowing we will never have to walk alone when we are facing death.
What a privilege it would be to be led by Jesus to whatever He has in store for us.
John 14:1
“Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You believe in God; believe also in me.”
It is human nature to be troubled with the prospect of facing death.
To worry about what would happen to us once we cross the bridge is normal.
However, as Christians, there is strength, peace, and hope in believing in the begotten Son.
The knowledge of the Lord arms us with good courage when we travel the darkest valley of life.
If Jesus is for us, who can be against us?
Death has no power over the Lord we serve.
It cannot separate us from His everlasting love.
Death is not the end but the beginning, marking our homecoming to the place He prepared for us.
Psalm 48:14
“For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide, even to death.”
What peace and comfort it brings to know that the Lord, who is always true to His words, would guide us until the end of our journey.
As Christians, we set our eyes not on what we can see but on the eternal ones.
The Father’s house is waiting for His children, a place where there will be no pain anymore, and Jesus himself will guide us and be with us as we claim our inheritance.
Romans 8:18
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
The journey to death can be painful and marked by suffering of many kinds.
As Christians, we should view suffering as something that helps us keep our gaze away from the things of this world, such as lust and life’s pride.
We are prone to lean on the Lord in times of affliction, urge Him in prayers and requests, and keep very near His shelter.
Paul in Romans 5:3-4, reminds us,
“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
There is nothing to fear and no reason for Christians to lose heart as when the glory of Christ Jesus our Lord is finally revealed to us, oh what a joy it would be!
Bible Verses to Bring Comfort During Hospice
The Bible is home to comforting verses during hospice that can lift one’s soul and light the burdens.
Below are selected verses to bring comfort during hospice:
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Worn out?
Call to Jesus.
He grants rest to the weary—rest for both the natural and spiritual body.
Jesus makes the weight light, the suffering bearable, and the impossible possible.
He grants rest and relief that no drug or pill can ever come close to.
The hand of the Lord is gentle, bringing comfort to the sick and help to those who need it.
Psalm 18:2
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”
Though our physical ailments bring grief and suffering, if the Lord is our rock, our foundation cannot be shaken.
We drop the fear and keep the faith, knowing that He will deliver us from our adversities.
No sickness can shake the power of Christ, and not even death can separate us from Him.
Once we are in Him, we enjoy the blessed assurance that comes along with putting our trust in Him.
A life lived and founded on Christ does not mean a void of challenges.
It gives us the strength and power to face those challenges, knowing that God goes before us and will deliver us.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
The Lord won’t put us in a situation for no reason.
The One who promised eternal life for every believer has a divine purpose for whatever one goes through.
Sometimes, He uses the illnesses of this world to send us a message or learn an important lesson.
The central message of this verse is to trust in the Lord even though one’s circumstances are unfavorable and to have faith even when everything seems impossible.
The purpose of the Lord for one’s toil may not reveal itself instantly, but it is surely for our good.
Bible Verses for Those Dying in Christ
Facing death for the world is futile, but dying in Christ is victory.
Below are Bible verses to remind everyone that dying in Christ is not a loss but a gain.
John 11:25
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.
The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”
Our limited understanding will tell us that death is the end.
However, John 11:25 reminds us that through believing in Christ, we will live even though we die.
What does this mean?
Does it mean we will be raised from the dead like Lazarus?
Not necessarily.
This means that dying in Christ and for Christ allows us the great privilege of sharing His eternal kingdom.
A kingdom with many rooms, no more death, and where the former things have passed, but the new has come.
Eternal life is only achieved through God’s only Son.
2 Corinthians 5:8
“We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
Where would you rather be?
In this world where suffering, pain, and heartache abound or in heaven where there is healing, no death, and comfort?
Of course, as Christians, knowing the promises of Christ full well, we ought to rejoice in our homecoming to our eternal Father.
Thus, we ought to live a life worthy of hearing the words,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.“
Romans 14:8
“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord.
So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”
We live because of Christ and breathe our last because of His will.
From beginning to end, we are His.
This is but a borrowed life.
The Father who brought us up through the years amidst all the hurdles of life is the Father who holds the future.
We belong to the very One who defeated death.
Whom shall we fear?
If we die, we find comfort in knowing that we are just coming home to the One to whom we belong.
To live and die for the Lord is a cross worth bearing.
Bible Verses for Healing and Recovery
Healing and recovery come in many forms.
Our Lord does wonders here and there.
Below are Bible verses affirming how the Lord heals in various ways and restores more than we ask for.
Psalm 103:2-3
“Praise the Lord, O my soul.
Do not forget all his kind deeds.
He is the one who forgives all your sins, who heals all your diseases.”
Even though the Lord tests us throughout life, His good deeds always exceed the bad.
Sometimes, He even uses the bad ones to create a positive change in our ways.
He will always forgive the sins we have committed and give us healing, not just for the natural but also for the spiritual body.
Psalm 147:3
“He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”
Christ is the doctor of doctors.
His people have many illnesses, but through His stripes, blood, and scars, everyone is healed and made whole again.
The Lord heals shattered hearts and wounds, both seen and unseen.
Christ is able, as the Bible tells us so countless times.
Our committed sins cannot hinder His saving grace.
Isaiah 40:29
“He gives strength to those who are tired; to the ones who lack power, he gives renewed energy.”
As humans, we are prone to fatigue.
Looking at the sick, the tears in their eyes remind us of how fleeting life is.
But we rejoice in the good courage provided by knowing that the current suffering and things present will come to pass and that in our weakness, Christ’s strength is made whole, and we shall soar with wings like eagles.
In Summary
No one can escape sickness and death, but we can face them armed with the power of God’s word through comforting Bible verses for the sick and dying.
Many have fallen asleep and, in facing death, forgot that our hope and peace are in the Lord.
As Christians, we fear no evil when facing death and sickness, as we put our trust in Christ, who is the source of our cup overflowing with hope.