Our family is one of the most important parts of our lives, so here are prayers for the family that anyone can use.
A friend once said, “Our family is our greatest strength and weakness.”
Our experiences with our family, the good and the bad, have stayed with us longer than we would like to admit.
Making and maintaining relationships in this world can be extremely hard.
Things can be a bit harder and more complicated regarding the family because it is one of the deepest relationships a person can have.
How do we ensure that we are doing our best for our family members?
We ask God for help.
What are Prayers for Family?
We have busy days but we should make time to pray for our family or better yet, for each family member.
Family prayers are opportunities to tell God what is happening in our families or about our dreams and aspirations for them.
Prayers for your family show that you value them and you want to do it right with them.
So, you ask God, the wisest one in the whole universe, what to do.
These prayers show that we trust that God has power in our families.
Prayers for your family do not need to be long, complicated, or wordy.
God understands us and knows our hearts.
We can always expect love and understanding when we pray to God for our families because He is our family, too.
What Does the Bible Say About Family?
The Bible recognizes the importance of family, whether physical or spiritual, and the importance of love, respect, and harmony among family members.
The Bible speaks about honoring our parents and about parents raising their children right in Colossians 3:20-21.
The Bible also uses the family unit when talking about the church.
Anyone who believes has been given the right and privilege to be called children of God (John 1:12-13).
We are encouraged to love, serve, and honor one another, as mentioned in Romans 12:10, Galatians 6:10, and Colossians 3:12-13.
When we are born, we are born into a family, and we have no power or choice regarding the matter.
When we are born again, we choose to belong to the family of God.
Both families, physical and spiritual, need our fervent prayers.
Powerful Prayers for Family
Prayer for family protection
“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.”
Lord God,
We do our best to live according to your word, but the world is so chaotic and dark these days.
We fear for the future of our family.
Lord, bless us with your protection.
We know that you are infinitely more powerful than anything man can do, so please, Lord, along with protecting our physical well-being, we also pray that you guard our hearts and minds against the works of the Enemy.
Teach us to trust and obey you always.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayer for Family Guidance
“And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.”
Heavenly Father,
We know that you want what is best for us because we are your children.
But there are times when your plan seems blurry, and you feel lost.
We pray for your Holy Spirit to guide us, Father.
We know that you want what is best for your children.
Please help us identify and understand your perfect plan.
May you find us obedient to you and your will. In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen.
Prayer for Family Healing
“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”
We look to you as our father, and we know that you look to us as your children.
Also, we believe that you are the greatest healer.
We believe in you, your power, and your love.
Father God, bless us with healing and strength to overcome any sickness that we may have physically, financially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
We want to live life to the full, but our struggles get in the way, so we come to you, heavenly father.
Bible verses tell us about your love and compassion, and we pray that you shower us with them so that we may testify to your power and love and encourage others to keep their trust in you.
We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
Prayer for Family Restoration
“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.
Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”
Dear Heavenly Father,
We praise and thank you because you have taught us that neither the present nor the past, neither death nor life, that nothing that ever existed or would exist could separate us from your great love.
But, Father, this is not always the case with our earthly families.
We get hurt, and this results in broken relationships.
We shun each other’s company.
Sometimes, pain and bitterness rule our hearts and minds.
May we seek forgiveness from each other the way we seek forgiveness from you.
Please help us put our family relationships above our pride and teach us to be completely humble so that you may bring healing into our lives.
In your holy name, we pray, Amen.
Prayer for Family Strength
“So be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid, and do not panic before them.
For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you.
He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Dear Jesus,
You have shown incredible strength when you came to save us.
You were tempted, hurt, betrayed, and lonely, but you never lost your strength.
Lord, we pray that you grant us the same strength.
We are being tested left and right, confronted by fear, temptations, and exhaustion daily, and we need your help.
We want to keep the faith, be strong, and represent you in this world every day, but it gets harder and harder every day.
We ask for your help and your strength.
In you, we pray and trust. Amen.
Prayer for Family Peace and Unity
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.
The Lord be with you all.”
Dear God,
You have created us uniquely, and we are grateful for that, but it can also cause problems at times.
The differences that make us unique hinder us from understanding one another.
We may not always see eye to eye, but we know that love is present in our homes.
We ask you to help us have unity and peace in our own families.
Please do not let our differences destroy relationships permanently.
Our hope lies in you, God Almighty, our spiritual shelter.
Your precious blood has saved us and drawn us closer to you.
May the love that comes from you be stronger than our differences, and may your peace reign in our family today.
Prayers to Pray as a Family
For encouragement
Dear Lord,
The scriptures tell us how you love us and how you want us to live full lives.
We pray for your spiritual protection so that if some trouble falls upon us today, we can still rest in your peace today.
We pray that everyone will see that your light shines bright in and through us.
May this knowledge give us strength and encouragement to keep moving forward.
In your name, Amen.
For Perseverance
Our Father in Heaven,
We trust in your many promises to help us persevere.
We also trust in the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit to point us to where you want us to go, even if it is hard.
May the troubles of this life fail to hinder us from following you.
We have faith that your will, power, and love will win in our lives and will push us to keep going and fighting the good fight.
In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray, Amen.
For a Disciplined Life
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for giving us the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us according to your will.
God, bless us with wisdom and discernment so that we always follow your word.
The temptation of the world is great, but nothing will be greater than your love for us.
Teach us to listen to you alone.
We believe that living according to your will and word is the best life we could ever hope for.
We pray in your holy name, Amen.
Obedience to God
Loving Father,
We trust in your mighty power, love, and greatness.
Please help us use this trust as a foundation for obedience.
Teach us to obey you in all things at all times.
Please help us see that you will never put us in danger and that your will will be the greatest and best thing that can ever happen to us.
Please help us learn not just to trust but also to obey.
In your name, Amen.
Why Pray for Our Family Members
The pull of the world and its sinful nature is stronger than ever.
We should never neglect our daily prayers, personal or as a family.
We should cut off the influence of the world like a dead tree branch because it has no place in our families.
We can do this by praying for our families.
Through praying together, we can promote family unity.
Daily prayer with our family, even with our extended family, can help us recognize the truth about each other or the things we are going through in our daily lives.
It can help us maintain a thankful heart and stand firm in our faith.
We can even do a prayer walk to help change things a bit.
We can also reinforce our prayers with God’s Word to help us maintain a steadfast spirit.
God blessed us with families, by blood or by family bonds, because families do not have to be blood-related.
We have to pray for them for many important reasons, but we should also remember that taking time to pray for someone tells them that they are important to us.
We can scour the internet for all sorts of information regarding family or more related articles, but the best guidance will always come from God.
If we can trust God with our souls, let us trust God with our family.