Let’s say a Father’s Day prayer to thank God for these kind and gentle souls who reflect His love and guide us in living for Him.
Most nations celebrate Father’s Day to show their appreciation for all the things their dads have done for them.
It is a celebration of all their sacrifices, love, and gentle souls as they take on the role God has given them.
There are a thousand ways to celebrate Father’s Day.
It can be through cooking for your dad, buying the perfect gift, or even just spending time with them sitting on a couch.
But the best way to honor and celebrate their teachings, wisdom, dad jokes, protection, and love is through praying a Father’s Day prayer.
Here are some guides!
What is a Father’s Day Prayer?
A Father’s Day Prayer is dedicated to all the men who love us, just like how God loves us.
This prayer is for the men who raised and disciplined us to be the people we are today.
A Father’s Day Prayer is a way of blessing our God-given authority, our fathers.
A Father’s Day prayer is not only meant for our biological fathers.
We can also say a Father’s Day prayer to those who had a loving father who passed away.
Some never knew their dad, those expectantly waiting to become dads soon, and countless other situations surrounding the father-child relationship.
However, not everyone looks forward to Father’s Day.
Maybe because some have not met their earthly fathers or their dads were not a fond fixture in their homes.
Regardless of your situation today, remember that you have a Father in Heaven who will always be there for you.
Bible Verses We Can Meditate on as We Pray a Father’s Day Prayer
Psalm 103:13
“The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.”
It says that the LORD has compassion for those who fear Him, just like how an earthly father shows compassion to his children.
Luke 15:20
“So he returned home to his father.
And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming.
Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.”
After wandering for a long time, the prodigal son returns home to his father.
The father is filled with compassion the moment he sees his son from a distance.
He runs, embraces him with open arms, and kisses him as he welcomes him back.
Hebrews 12:7
“As you endure this divine discipline, remember that God is treating you as his own children.
Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father?”
Hardships are God’s way of disciplining His children, the same way that we are disciplined by our fathers here on earth.
So, we must know how to endure them.
Ephesians 6:4
“Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them.
Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.”
Fathers should not stir up their children’s anger.
Instead, raise them with lovingkindness under the Lord’s instruction and discipline.
Proverbs 23:22
“Listen to your father, who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old.”
Children are called to listen to their father, who gave them life, and not despise their mothers when they grow old.
Proverbs 23:24
“The father of godly children has cause for joy.
What a pleasure to have children who are wise.”
A righteous child brings great joy to his father, and a wise son rejoices when he has a man that fathers him.
Proverbs 22:6
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”
Parents are responsible for training children in the right way so they will not turn from it when they are old.
2 Samuel 7:14-15
“I will be his father, and he will be my son.
When he does wrong, I will punish him with a rod wielded by men, with floggings inflicted by human hands.
But my love will never be taken away from him, as I took it away from Saul, whom I removed from before you.”
God promised David through Nathan that no matter how much he sinned or how harshly he was disciplined, God would always be a father who would love him the same.
Exodus 20:12
“Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
This first commandment of God, with a promise, says that children are to obey and respect their father and mother to live long in the land that the LORD is giving them.
To obey and respect means to honor our God-given authorities at home.
1 Thessalonians 2:11-12
“For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.”
Paul remarks on how fathers are supposed to lead their children.
Fathers should encourage, comfort, and continuously remind their children to live lives that honor God.
Why Should We Pray a Father’s Day Prayer?
God designed Fathers to be the pillars of their homes.
They were given huge roles and responsibilities to create a fruitful family that honors God.
That is why, on their special day, the least we can do is pray for them to show our appreciation for all the love and sacrifices they make for our respective families.
We must pray for them every day, especially on Father’s Day, so that they can better demonstrate what it feels and what it means to be loved by a father.
But most importantly, this special day is an excellent reminder of our Heavenly Father’s unconditional love and grace towards us.
No matter how long and how far we wander, He never fails to be God, our Father.
Who Do We Say Our Father’s Day Prayers
Earthly Fathers
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the best fathers we could ever have.
Thank You for molding them into outstanding role models and for everything they do to provide us with a comfortable life.
I ask You to give them more patience when we’re having difficulties.
Extend your loving-kindness to them when we’re even harder to love.
May they be a reflection of Your grace towards us.
Father God, bless all the fathers who unconditionally love their families more than themselves.
Please continue to strengthen them as they carry the responsibility of being a father and a husband.
Thank You for their lives and for giving them to us.
Thank You that we can get a glimpse of Your love here on earth.
Christian Fathers
Loving God, thank You for the life of fathers.
Thank You for giving them the privilege of being the head of their respective families.
Thank You for Your provisions to them, for equipping them to lead their families in a life that glorifies You the most.
We pray that You will continue to protect them from evil and deliver them from temptations so that they can lead by example.
God, we thank You for giving us fathers that love us just as how You would want us to be loved and cared for.
Thank you for letting them respond correctly to the call that you gave them.
Thank You for showing Your love through their lives.
We pray that they will grow more in faith and continue to be dependent on You.
Fathers who serve in the ministry
Lord, thank You for allowing these fathers to serve the church.
I pray that everything they do will be according to Your will and way.
May they never run out of love in serving You by serving others.
May they always humble themselves to excel more in the work for Your kingdom.
Dear God, I pray that the fathers who work in the church will never forget that their work is not in vain.
When the going gets tough, please remind them that everything they do must be done in love.
Because anything done for Your glory is never wasted.
Also, teach them to serve with humility and integrity.
Distant Fathers
Gracious God, please change our hearts from the inside out so that we can extend love and respect to our imperfect fathers.
We know for a fact that nothing is permanent in this world.
So we trust in You that we will be able to get along well with our fathers without awkwardness and pain in Your perfect time.
We thank You, still, for their lives.
Father, touch their hearts so they, too, can show their love towards us.
Please continue protecting them as well.
Dear Lord, thank You that even though we may not celebrate this Father’s Day with our birth fathers, we have a father who stands for us.
You gave us fathers who provided comfort and became our role models.
Thank You because You gave us a better one who will cherish and love us the way You do.
We pray that You will continue to work in their lives so they will never run out of love for us.
God, our Father
Almighty Father, thank You for the privilege of calling us Your children.
We know that if everything fails, your love will always be the one thing that never will.
As you have declared in Your Word, no one can snatch us away from Your hands.
That is how much You love us.
So this day is a reminder that there is no Father like You.
We give You back all the glory, Amen.
Heavenly Father, what a joy it is to be part of Your family.
We are more than blessed to be called Your sons and daughters.
We have the most incredible privilege of spending eternity with You.
And for that, we are grateful.
We are thankful for everything You do and will continue to do.
We may not fully understand Your ways, but we know that Your purpose and plans will always prevail.
So, we leave everything in the hands of the One who created us.
What Do We Ask On Our Father’s Day Prayers?
Prayer for blessings and guidance
Holy One, on this day, we ask You to bless all the fathers in our lives.
Whether they may be brothers, friends, preachers, or even grandfathers, guide them on the right path.
Help them navigate the highs and lows of life as they carry out their responsibilities as both fathers and followers of You.
Grant the desire of their hearts if it’s according to Your will.
Prayer for the strength of a mountain
Sovereign God, we lift our fathers.
Please give them the strength to endure their hardships and obstacles.
May they see it as an opportunity to draw closer to You.
Remind them to put on Your full armor so they can proclaim Your goodness wherever they are.
Equip our fathers to be worthy of Your calling.
Lastly, they should uplift their spirits by giving them divine strength to conquer the enemies inside them.
Prayer of hope, wisdom, and provision
Wonderful Counselor, we know that fatherhood is never an easy task.
But because of Your grace, our fathers are making it through.
I humbly ask You to give them hope on days when it is easier for them to give up.
Give them wisdom on days when they’re torn between choosing what is good and what is right.
Lastly, give them everything they need to continue their walk with You faithfully.
May it be wisdom, knowledge, understanding, or discernment. Amen.
Prayer for a growing relationship
Father, thank You for the good relationship we have built over the years with our fathers.
We are blessed to be guided by such strong and respectful men.
But, Lord, we want to seek You more so that we can grow more in our relationship with You and with our respective families.
Grant our fathers and us more patience, understanding, and love because we know that when we learn to love You best, we will be able to love others better.
Prayer for those hurting on Father’s Day
Almighty One, we may not have a good father to pray for today, but we are still at peace knowing that You cause all things to work together for our good.
If anyone needs our forgiveness, teach us to forgive as You have forgiven us.
Please help us completely accept what happened in the past.
We know that the pain we are feeling now will be our most significant breakthrough someday.
So today, Father, we ask You to comfort us with Your embrace.
Father’s Day Prayer to Our Heavenly Father
Father in heaven, I praise and worship You.
Today, I celebrate and honor You, for You are the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
You are sovereign and victorious.
On my worst days, You are my rock and refuge.
On my best days, You are my strength and reward.
Father God, I humbly ask for Your forgiveness.
I am sorry for my lapses and shortcomings.
Most of the time, I insist on doing my way, not Yours.
Forgive me for the times I know I’m wrong; I choose to do it anyway.
At the time, I was not aware of my wrongdoings.
Lastly, forgive me for always falling short of the person You designed me to be.
I thank You for Your grace, Father God.
For Your love that never fails even if I act as a prodigal son or daughter.
You still welcome me home with open arms.
I will never forget how you held me on my weakest days and how you disciplined me on my worst days.
Thank you for continuously looking after me.
You even left the 99 just to find me, as You have said in Your Word.
Almighty Father, please continue to use my life as an instrument of Your grace.
Please break my heart for what breaks Yours so I can be a better friend, son, or daughter to my parents and, lastly, a better child of God.
Happy Father’s Day to You, who are the greatest Father anyone could have and ask for.
I love You, and I lift everything to You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
In Summary
There may not be a perfect father here on Earth, but there are a million ways to be a good one.
I am sure your Father and Heavenly Father have done more than you could ever imagine.
So, on their special day, may you pray these Father’s Day Prayers to celebrate and honor a love like no other.